The Art of the Deal
The Art of the Deal
The Art of the Deal
6 days with 1 john is probably a lot less work than 30 1 hour sessions with varying johns. Also getting a discount when buying in bulk is pretty common with most goods. Not sure if it's so with sex work in real life tho.
It's definitely way less work. If you get hired for an hour, you're pretty much expected to be fully engaged in, if not sex, then at least being entertaining in some way. With the type of sex work she did, she was never getting paid for time spent sleeping or eating (and definitely not hanging out and shopping), unless that was someone's kink, I guess. I had a series of sugar daddies in my early 20s, and don't let anyone tell you that's not sex work, and I definitely made less per hour than a more traditional prostitute, but I also put in a lot less energy. Plus, it came with a lot more perks.
Sex workers do sometimes offer reduced effective rates per hour for extended time.
Usually you're not gonna be allowed to offer for those unless you've spent time with that worker already and they've decided you can at least be trusted enough to not go psycho with enough time on hand.
By the time you're talking about overnight service, either they know ya and they like ya enough to spend an evening with you, or they're advertising the package openly because they're pretty confident that they can bring anyone who tries something funny down harder than a meteor, that kind of work makes folks stronk, and they ain't afraid to use that if you're fuckin' around.
Worked out well for the shiela
Well, she's advertised as a pretty woman, not a smart one.
And now, with a little less jest: It's a stable income over a week, with a guy she evidently likes to at least look at. No need for advertising in that time. Meals are paid, as is time off. Also, the 21$ assume that she is paid 24 hours a day (3000$ ÷ 24 ÷ 6 = 20,83333...$) so she gets paid for sleeping, eating, essentially her own time. She also gets the opportunity to scout new, well off clients.
I would take that deal.
3k pays your rent in San Fran with cash left over in that time period...ur damn right she's hanging out with a rich dude and getting spoiled for a week and her rent paid. Mf out here acting like they're breaking down door dash hourly.
If you calculated it as 8 hours a day of work it would work out to $62.5/hour
i mean it's just a discount like when you're buying things in bulk, it makes sense
So... I guess she is a smart woman after all?
OTOH I hope OP is at least pretty.
Even if you assume 8hr days that's $63/hr, sizable drop from 100
You're also assuming she gets 8 hours of work a day at her normal rate. It's not like she's salaried.
Unpaid travel time between 8 different clients would make an 8 hour day much more than 8 hours
It's also 8 hrs/day she doesn't have random sweaty fat guys dumping loads in her. Anyone who doesn't take that deal is either Ayn Rand level deranged or has beaten life and found their true passion
We need to consider how many hours in a day she would normally get paid the $100/hour rate. Or said differently, how many hours does normally work in a 6 day period
She would need to work 30 billed hours in 6 days to break even on her normal rate
You can only compare that if the $100/hr are certain. Having no clients means having $0/hr.
Also to compare the two she has to have an 8hr day. I don't have many experiences in the field, but that sounds not sustainable.
But how many sex did she provide in that pay period? They didn't spend the whole week humping in bed. $/sex is quite above her normal rate.
Someone doesn't get the differences between contractor and salaried.
To make that $3000 at her normal rate she would have had to work 30 hours in that same week, which I bet is a tall order for all the unpaid hours that takes attracting customers individually.
Not to mention her luxury room and board, the shopping sprees, and the jewelry gifts.
As others pointed out, a lot of factors would go into this decision. How many working hours can she normally put in if the average client only pays for an hour? How much time does she have to spend cleaning herself up between? How much risk is there in taking a new client?
Its pretty similar to working freelance compared to a paycheck. If I wanted to go on my own as a freelancer I could probably charge 2-3x my hourly salary rate as a freelancer. But I'd have to hunt for my next meal. I'd have to figure out all my 1099s. I'd have to change stragies to get new clients.... Or I can just work my current corpo job making an OK salary but always know I have a paycheck coming and insurance.
Its pretty similar
No, that was the sequel.
Is that the one where Richard Gere meets her mother and becomes her pimp?
I never said it was a bad deal. As long as both parties are satisfied with their end of the bargain, it's about as good as it gets.
The implication is clear. The art of the deal?
$3,000 was $7,209 in 2024 money (from 1990). $21/hr. would be $50 in 2024 money.
Stop looking at those 'inflation adjustors' and look at what you could actually buy.
Average rent per month in Los Angeles in 1990 was under $600.00/month
Today it's over $2,000.00
If he paid her five months rent today, it would be $10,000.00, not $7,000.00
Every time she puts on her Jammies, I imagine she’s excited to wake up 160 dollars richer.
well, $100 in 1990 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $240.30 today (source) so 21 usd/h should be about 50 usd/h today and the 62.5 usd/h calculated by should be 150 usd/h
Yeah, like she has usually 8 clients a day...
Unless you do this in tacos, I'm not gonna check the math.
If this was Taco Tuesday I'd do the math. But it's the weekend, so no.
What's your favorite taco place?
I mean one guy can only bust so many nuts.. now if she had a guy every couple hours filling her full of cum... Well you see now why she takes the cum sum instead of individual deposits..a lot more work
6 days of work, 8 hours x $21/hr x6 days is only $1008
He's paying her for 24 hours a day, silly
And who was paying her 24 hr / day before Richard Gere's character came along?
Guess it also depends on what her typical hourly rate was when factoring in eating, sleeping, popping, living, etc..
The cum to USD ratio is actually quite competitive
man give money
The art of the deal.