Sorry, y'all.
Sorry, y'all.
I blame's comment for giving me this idea.
Sorry, y'all.
I blame's comment for giving me this idea.
If you think this is restricted to FOSS, you are gravely mistaken
Yeah I was really disappointed when I tried Hyprland
This promotes pedophilia.
Idk why so many grown nerds insist on sexualizing little girls.
Edit: wow turns out this instance is full of pedophiles. Gross.
I've seen this image pop up now and then for like 10+ years as a meme in the Linux community and never not once did I think this.
Obviously if that's a confirmed intention behind it, then it's not okay, but I think you're overthinking it, it's just how anime designs are, the characters often look agelessly young.
These look like pretty average anime characters to me and don't strike me as implying something problematic in the slightest.
Idk I'm an outside observer to weeb shit, but that's how I always interpreted it at least.
The downwoters should be investigated.
Thank you for OP for reminding me to defrag my HDD
Welcome. Welcome to City 17.
Woudnt it make sense for computers in city 17 running something like RedstarOS so that they can see what every single citizen is doing
Can't be late if you celebrate pride every month
I thought we just had a pride month, how many are there now??
Debian is out of date. That's it. That's the entire joke. It's basically this without beating on the rotting horse corpse of IE. (And this, like the IE meme, is funnier the longer it's been since June).
Hah. That's pretty clever
Shoulda used the lesbian colours.
Wdym "sorry" this is amazing <3
Without the thin black outline i would steal this for future use
Personally I think it is too blocky and the colors too random, but I don't know the original comment that gave the inspiration. I like
much more, although I'd rather see the rainbow colors follow the direction of the swirl more.I was hoping to find something exactly like this, but I didn't - what I used was the Debian Diversity logo from their own site.
I'll fix it up in a bit, but I made it on my phone because I was in the process of re-installing Debian on my potato laptop, and it felt like blasphemy to make it on my gaming laptop (which is currently Windows only until I get another SSD for it), lol.
EDIT: fixed. Mind you, it's still not good...
Cool thanks :D Indeed making this on a windoofus machine would be blasphemy lol
Let me guess, pride month 2022?