That was back when I bought a dozen and a half of them.
I kept a dozen for personal use ...
As for the remaining six ... I kept one to start working on it .. dump the code to see what I could do to hack it.
My work would ultimately end up to be yet another failed attempt to set basis for the creation of a free MATA MAID ...
By the same time, I sent two of them to the Charles University in Prague in the Czech Republic, where a bunch of students and post grad academics were working on what later would become known as "The One True Browser", so they could dump the code and play around with it . They told me I was "sick" and that I should "look for professional help". I should've know better than send it to them .. they were academics after all ..
Also sent one to a "Cream of the Crop, Lisp obsessed Elite Hacker Master Mind" in NZ to the same effect and pourpose. And the remaining 2 to two hackers whose identity would remain veiled even to me ... all I know was that one of them was from a place called Merveilles Town .. the other one was an already renown "console cowboy" ..
I was at a friend's house recently, and they had an Alexa. I didn't know where the bathroom was, so on a whim I said: "Hey Alexa, where's the bathroom?" It directed me to the nearest public bathroom, which was in a prison 4 miles away.
I think the series name is "techno-mage in unix_surrealism," so the community name is just a reference to the series name. I want to say the main character does have BSD installed in her sword.