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  • I got my last job by applying to an outdated PDF of a listing that I googled and found on some shady job aggregation site. The one before that I was recruited through Stack Overflow. And before that one of my old bosses recruited me to his new company.

    So, uh, don't just stick to a few sites. Maybe your dream job is waiting for you in a newspaper because the company owner has no clue about the internet.

  • I've had three recruiters reach out to me on LinkedIn in the last four weeks, so I'd say make sure you have a profile set up with a current resume on LinkedIn if you're looking for work.

  • Networking. Which was the intent of LinkedIn, I suppose, but I just revert to good old phone calls.

  • One of my old hiring managers once said it's better to use sites like Indeed and Glassdoor like a phonebook, since 4 out of 5 jobs redirect you to the company's application page anyway. Find job, search company, and either go to their website or call em