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Borrowing from Belarus's stocks surely the sign of a winning strategy

Belarus transferring equipment to their liege lord. There's been lots of questions about why Russia's vassal Belarus hasn't joined the war. Well - a good reason is that they have a tiny, ineffective army of less than 50,000 soldiers. For a very good reason - Belarus' army is designed to protect their muppet Lukashenko from domestic opposition, but remain small enough to not become independently powerful, or a threat to stand against Russia. While that makes perfect sense in keeping a weak vassal in power, it doesn't make for a good strategic depth option. If they're having to raid Belarus' tiny and even-more-outdated-than-theirs stocks, this is well and truly the bottom of the equipment barrel options for Herr Putin.

News & Events Surrounding Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Lemmit.Online bot
Belarus is transferring military equipment from its active units to Russia at Moscow's request. Russia asked Belarus for this equipment after events in the Kursk region, as Russia is facing a seve...
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