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What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game?

Hi guys, I have the hunger for more history games. I have to say that usually I'm not a huge AC fan, but last summer I played Odyssey and I'm a huge ancient history nerd and I think that the game and the period were represented very well. (The Story was kinda meh, but serviceable). What other AC game would you recommend for me to play next? What other titles are the most like Odyssey?

  • The Ezio trilogy, I reckon. I was very invested in Desmond's story and the series felt like it was building towards a conclusion.

    Will we ever get the present day AC game?

  • Black Flag, followed closely by 3. It doesn't hurt that those were released right at the peak of my interest in gaming, but I replayed BF within the past two years and it still holds up super well

  • I only properly played 1, 2 and a bit of Black Flag but based on that and what I've seen from all the other games I'm gonna stick with the first one.

    Investigations were... well actual investigation, gameplay mechanics while simple and satisfying weren't overly automated and the game wasn't burdened with all the bloat that came afterwards. Simplified movement system from later games, one that's fighting you whenever you try to do something even a little out of game's comfort zone, is probably my major sticking point with the series.

    That said, I'm not sure if that would be the best choice for you. If you want to try the classic approach I'd suggest going with the Ezio trilogy (II, Brotherhood, Revelations) as these games are more polished, if a little bloated, compared to the first game. They should still hold up well enough to have fun.

  • Odyssey was one I really enjoyed, I appreciated the Greek mythology as well.

    I really want to get into Origjns though.

    I didn’t really enjoy Valhalla though. Some of the systems they had in it didn’t click well with me.

  • I just finished 1 for the first time in a very long time. I really enjoyed its simplicity and wish we got that gameplay loop again but with the mechanics of at least 2

    Currently playing bloodlines before moving onto 2.

    I think looking back, I really enjoyed brotherhood the most, but I also think my time with its multiplayer is giving me rose tinted glasses. Revelations' ending is my favourite of all of them and I still think of it to this day.

    I also don't think 3 is as bad as everyone says. I really enjoyed Connors story and climbing trees, but desmonds end makes me resent the game somewhat, especially since to me that marked the end of my interest in the series. Playing through 4 confirmed it because after that I didn't play anymore due to it feeling like there was no overarching story to keep me wanting anymore.

  • Origins. Bayek is easily the most relatable and grounded character, and the story does a great job of setting up the origins of the Assassins. My only gripe is that Aya really needed more development and a game of her own.