Winamp source code is now on GitHub
Winamp source code is now on GitHub

Iconic media player. Contribute to WinampDesktop/winamp development by creating an account on GitHub.

Winamp source code is now on GitHub
Iconic media player. Contribute to WinampDesktop/winamp development by creating an account on GitHub.
They are nuts. Their license means that you give up all of your authorship rights to the code you contribute, and on top of that you’re not allowed to distribute modified source, nor can you fork the source for any purpose.
Edit: lol
So many forks, lol.
Winamp go fork yourself!
It really forks the llamas ass!
Does that actually matter?
I'm asking because license stuff is over my head, but I'd like to learn about it more.
If you only care about contributing improvements, no, it doesn't matter.
If you want to at least be recognized as an author, and be able to say "I made this", the license opposes that.
Waiver of Rights: You waive any rights to claim authorship of the contributions […]
I don't know how they intend to accept contributions though. I guess code blocks in tickets or patch files? Forking is not allowed, so the typical fork + branch + create a pull request does not work.
The way I look at it is this: I want credit for the work I do, I should also be able to fork a repo that I work on, and I sure as hell don’t like giving up my rights if I can help it.
But others may feel different.
I guess, opening a PR without forking is possible, but hey that's sort of incredibly bullshit idea
It...seems like there may be some issues with the repo...
I lost it when coming across this commit:
I love GitHub drama.
Anyone know if the Dolby code leak is going to lead to anything interesting, or had this code been leaked before? And how fucked are the Winamp folks?
Confidential Dolby code was pushed, though just some headers files.
And then they just push a new commit without the files, completely unaware that git keeps all versions of the code? I feel like this repo is going to disappear.
Thats golden !
This really whips the llama's ass
The open source community is really showing itself from the best side by harassing the devs of that repo. I'm sure the devs don't regret publishing the code...
Sure, the license isn't the best, but that's no way to act. With such childish behaviour from contributors, I'd have just taken the code down again. Bunch of children.
The license isn't the best? That license sucks. Probably one of the worst on Github.
Have looked around lately? This isn't github.
You’re acting like releasing the WinAmp source code is like some sort of great gift to open source devs, lol. It’s a community that works based on a set of rules and expectations, if the company doesn’t want to meet those expectations, then an appropriate response is to bully them out of the space (or to bully them into meeting those expectations)
Projects are not entitled to be received gratefully and respectfully if you treat open source devs like a disposable source of free labour.
And the concept of “civility” in the face of corporations telling us what we can and can’t do, can well and truly get fucked.
You're missing the point. I don't really care about Winamp. It's ancient and probably used by about 15 grandpas. The point is the behavior of the people in the issues and pull requests. It's possible to be polite, but firm and bring a point across. Right now it looks like a pack of dogs barking around thinking they're witty and clever for doing so.
Projects are not entitled to be received gratefully and respectfully if you treat open source devs like a disposable source of free labour.
Nobody's forcing anybody to do anything. You're not forced to contribute in any way shape or form. Winamp hasn't hired anybody there to write code under bad conditions. Justifying bad behavior "because the other side is doing it" (which isn't true btw) is just weak.
This whole thing sounds more like a way to get some pull requests to fix their product for free. That's not open source. The source code is simply available, that's all. In the first run they even prohibited to fork it (!!!) while it is necessary to work on this project. They may fixed it, but you are still not allowed to do anything with it, only provide free work. Of course people are not happy with it.
They should delete this repo and change their license if they want contributors for free. Or just hire programmers for money.
Of course people are not happy with it.
Of course. I'm not happy about many things, but that doesn't give me the right to harass somebody. Pointing out something politely is very different from jumping on a bandwagon and spamming an issue, or creating meme issues and meme pull requests. We should be better than that.
Is that really what we want? Anything slightly popular making a misstep to be hounded by an online mob?