I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
Much like a lot of Gen X, some of the older Millennials in my life (particularly the white working professionals) are parroting the age old mantra of "I don't care about passing my skills on to the younger generations or helping those in need, no one ever helped me in my life.". My response is always "That's not a good thing!" because I never know what to say. Debate is not my strength.
My working class grandparents were never like this. They lived through the great depression and two wars and never wanted anyone to suffer as much as they did. I miss them and their kindness dearly. It's only from boomers and younger that I've seen this attitude. Capitalism is crushing our instincts as a social species. If we can't stand on the shoulders of giants... well then we will stop advancing as a species. We will stagnate and go extinct because the challenges we face now need all of us. It goes against everything that is human to be this alienated and antagonistic to one another. Particularly frightening is the hatred and contempt modern society has towards children.
This is not going to end well.
I appreciate all the people here, whether you're 20 or 60, for not becoming the thing that hurt you. We need people with a soul more than ever.
I think a lot of people forget what it was like to be a kid
To just feel everything so much because everything is new and your brain is just this wad of rubber bouncing around like a bullet ricocheting off the inside of your skull
Like, yeah, I get it, it can be irritating sometimes, but have you ever just spent time with a kid?
To remember what it like when you could have fun just by running around and screaming?
That's the part of being a teacher I miss the most: the kids are mostly all right. It's inspiring, even rejuvenating, being around people with new minds open to new ideas, even if they make mistakes and can do terrible things because they don't have the wisdom to know better and are impressionable (fuck "influencers" forever).
If there wasn't so many other fucked up things about being a teacher that are top-down decisions made by ghoulish school boards and the like, I wouldn't have retired so early.
Hedge fund managers are a steep net negative to society and are paid the very most of any salaried position.
Oh that reminds me of the last quote from Das Kapital Vol. 3 Chapter 23
The proceedings of the Court of Bankruptcy show that these wages of supervision were, as a rule, inversely proportional to the actual supervision performed by these nominal directors.