Brian Comer, a 64-year-old white man, was accused of illegally hunting geese at a golf course on the day Trump amplified racist lies about Haitian immigrants in the city.
Brian Comer, a 64-year-old white man, was accused of illegally hunting geese at a golf course on the day Trump amplified racist lies about Haitian immigrants in the city.
Yet this isn’t even bigotry. It’s straight out xenophobia and hatred.
Bigotry is the broader category containing racism, xenophobia, and hatred based on perception of belonging to a group.
Definition of bigotry: "obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."
Bigotry isn't 'less bad than' racism or xenophobia. Hating people for being from another country is one type of bigotry.
This looks like an AI image at first glance, but on a closer look I can't find any artifacts. Please tell me it's real and AI hasn't finally passed my personal turing test. I've always been able to tell until now...
Canada Geese are protected by the migratory birds act between Canada, US and Mexico. The only thing communities can legally do is take the eggs so they don't hatch.
Well I wish they'd migrate once in a while, because they're around here all year. They're also mean if you happen to walk by one and they enjoy blocking traffic.
First Nations eat them birds. I've heard they're fine eating. Of course, it depends where you hunt them. I met a guy who said they'd string a net over a beach at dawn or dusk during migration. He spoke highly of the event.