In this case, Facebook's 99-page user policy. The results, embedded in the story, are worth a listen. This is is some serious sci-fi shit compared to ChatGPT.
I don't want to skip ads. I want to avoid them altogether. They're intrusive. Especially after listening to the same podcast for a decade, only to suddenly find ads for car companies, and other things irrelevant to me, rudely shoved I to the middle of an otherwise serene experience.
I know all the cool kids hate on AI, but as someone out of the loop, that 'podcast' is really impressive. I guess it speaks to how a influential certain style of podcasting is (from the likes of NPR) that a machine can copy it the same as other humans do.
As for the embedded link, this works for me (and others on the same site as me), but it might not for others:
I don't know that it's influential so much as formulaic. It's been working for them for decades. And without it, we'd never have gotten Schweddy Balls, and that's a worse timeline.
For real fun, submit your resume (that shit's already all over online; Google can have it) and listen to NPR hosts take 7 minutes to describe your career arc.
I think that it is impressive, but not necessarily that useful? In particular, you can't really trust what they're saying to be accurate so it doesn't actually give you that much usable information.
Very cool, but I'm not sure what I would actually use it for.