The film industry is dead and streaming killed it. Pirate movies over a vpn as much as you want.
Movie studios are now just landlords. They’re run by boards of directors, focused on nothing but number go up. They want money for sitting like a dragon on top of a stockpile of content. Fuck them.
When you say the industry is dead, what exactly do you mean? Like working in the industry is no longer a viable career option, or you think that movies/ shows in general aren't going to be good anymore?
I'm not trying to argue your point of it's coming across that way, just not sure exactly what you are saying, I have been loving some recent movies and shows so if something is going to change I will be sad
I see... That's a staggering number. Hopefully there are enough rich assholes who like good movies to keep funding the few movies we still get for the next couple decades...
After that, there will always be independent filmmakers, and with the increasing quality of consumer-grade equipment and software, their stuff will get better as the technology improves. Still won't hold a flame to studio production quality, but it will be there