On white background the text next to the logo is not visible
Add screenshots in the README, it's a GUI app
Requirements.txts for dependency management is the old way, read about pyproject.toml you can merge them a single easy to read and edit file
"Install the dependencies" means nothing to a non-python developer. Direct users to install your project via pipx, that's modern and secure way of installing a python application with dependencies for non developers. Publish it to pypi for even easier installation.
Add a notice that currently it's windows only os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "Tagify", "config.yaml") will fail on *nix systems. Use pathlib.Path instead of os.path. Use pathlib, I see on a lot more places it would make your life much easier.
I have a feeling that the file icons are not your work. If you copied them from somewhere make sure their license is compatible, and add an acknowledgement.
Thanks! I fixed the file icon licensing!
However, I'm not sure will pipx help. I already provide a binary Inno Setup installer.
Any suggestions how to port it to Linux? I dual boot - so it would be very useful for me.
Also some feedback, a bit more technical, since I was trying to see how it works, more of a suggestion I suppose
It looks like you're looping through the documents and asking it for known tags, right? ({str(db.current_library.tags)}.)
I don't know if I would do this through a chat completion and a chat response, there are special functions for keyword-like searching, like embeddings. It's a lot faster, and also probably way cheaper, since you're paying barely anything for embeddings compared to chat tokens
Well, my mom has a bit of a problem. She has TONS of unorganized images and documents.
I'll soon implement the folder scanning: so she can just drop in her documents/photos folder and scan the entire thing.
Basically, it's like https://docs.tagstud.io/ but I added AI to make the organization process faster.