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  • I've been using it for years, first out of disdain for Internet Explorer, now out of disdain for Google Chrome. I just do not trust the corpos at all, and Firefox has always been solid(outside of a few years in the '10s).

  • good balance of functionality and privacy. keeps my tabs synced between mobile and desktop. that's...that's about it.

  • Because it's not actively trying to make ad-blockers not work like Chrome.

  • It's a great OSS browser. There should be at least one alternative rendering engine to Googles Chromium.

  • Because I like it, it ain't Google and it looks great on my gnome desktop.

  • Because it's extensions have so much more access to the software. Privacy is easy. The biggest of all is Temporary containers. That extension is a godsend for developers. Also, chromium is shit.

  • I dislike Mozilla less than I dislike Google, but not much! Besides that, Firefox has more functionality.

  • @Vitaly Because it's the best browser. Plus it does not use the engine controlled by Google or Apple. I don't see any reason to switch to a different browser. If any, it would be a fork of Firefox.