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New rules for bots on & Lemmy programming stream

Hey folks!

Bots on

There has been some discussion lately regarding bot accounts on Many users have noticed that some of our feeds are dominated by bot posts. These bot posts are not super engaging - they generally don't generate any discussions. The most problematic bots are the ones which just repost large amounts of content from elsewhere.

I have looked over a lot of user feedback on this issue, and also discussed the matter with other admins. We feel that at this time, repost bots are not healthy for, so we are introducing some new rules to limit such bots.

To be clear, I have nothing against users who want to use bots to just help organize and run their communities. The problem is specifically with communities which are not just supported by bots, but actually overwhelmingly run by bots.

Proposed new rules for bots

The rules we are considering are as follows:

  • All bot accounts must be explicitly marked as bots (can be done through the API or on the user settings page)
  • Bots are not allowed to vote on any posts or comments
  • Bots should disclose their specified purpose in their profile description
  • Bots should not have a disruptive influence on a community
  • Bots should not be responsible for the majority of content in any community

If you are a bot developer and you can already tell that your bot would be in violation of some of these rules, then I am very sorry to inconvenience you, but I would ask to please choose (or consider hosting!) another Lemmy instance for your bot.

These rules are not in effect yet, but if reception is positive, then we will start enforcing these rules from the 1st of August!

Please share your feedback, both negative and positive, in the comments below!

Lemmy programming stream

For some unfortunate personal reasons, I will be having some extra free time in August. A silver lining to this is that I will most likely be able to use some of this free time to increase my contributions to Lemmy!

I've had an idea for a while that a programming stream focused on Lemmy might help to bring in additional new contributors and generate additional interest in Lemmy, so today, I am planning to do an experimental programming stream, where I will first try to learn about, and then improve, the 2fa logic which is currently implemented in Lemmy.

Some caveats:

  • I am not a streamer or an entertainer, so this might be an extremely boring stream
  • I am not some amazing superstar programmer, so I might make dumb mistakes or miss obvious things, please don't hold that against me πŸ˜…

If this sounds interesting to you, I am planning to do a 1 hour stream starting right now at Feel free to jump in! If it's not a massive failure, then I will also upload a recording later on. Edit: Stream is over, thanks to all who tuned in!

  • Yeah, the repost bots just don't work. Reading the comments is half the fun of using reddit/lemmy, but lemmy has a very small userbase still, so the comments are a little bit slow moving. Having a ton of reposts suddenly spammed in splits that small comment activity up to the point where comments basically don't exist and you're viewing a slideshow of empty threads.

  • Sorry to hear about your personal situation, but that is quite the silver lining and I am sure Lemmy as a whole will benefit greatly from it. Solid ruleset on bots as well. We are currently rolling out rules about bots on Lemmy World, reading this we might have to go over some of them again. We don't want to stomp out all bots because some are problematic.

    🫢 from Lemmy World

  • Great news, honestly! I rather have less content, but actual interaction than all those bots reposting.

    And I’ll try to check out your stream, sounds really interesting! Hopefully my internet will be also agree, haha

  • Fine by me. I've already blocked a few bot accounts that were spam posting

  • Some bot content is okay, but I agree it should be moderated. Thanks for your effort on this, no disagreement.

    Also, thanks for your contributions to making Lemmy great!

  • Ahh I'm not going to catch this live but would love to see this. You've done so much to help out with Lemmy (and helped me personally with my instance!) So super interested to see this.

  • EDIT: I guess I hadn't looked for more webcomic communities in a while and there are more available now which have people actually posting OC to instead of just reposting from elsewhere with no discussion. I'll leave my original comment below regardless.

    I'm of mixed opinion about this. I only subscribe to one bot-led community (! and whilst I hate that every comic is just reposted from Reddit by the bot and so has no comments or discussion, it seems that no comic creators are posting to Lemmy yet and so I would rather still be able to see the content they are creating than miss it entirely. I understand that both the community and the bot are hosted on so they won't be affected by the bot policy of but it still speaks to the problem of lack of content posted to Lemmy in general (at least in certain communities).

  • I'm all for pretty much all of these changes. The only thing I'd give feedback on is specifically this line.

    Bots should not have a disruptive influence on a community

    I think this needs a clear definition, before I can say that I agree with that.

    Just my thoughts.