Happy Thanksgiving! ๐ฆ
Happy Thanksgiving! ๐ฆ
Happy Thanksgiving! ๐ฆ
I'll have you know it wasn't replicated, thank you very much. I burned it entirely on my own. ๐ค
So the choices were: dark meat or very dark meat? ๐ ๐ฅ
Honestly, itโs incredibly difficult to not burn something like a turkey.
Theyโre freaking huge, and of significantly varied thickness. If you absolutely insist on doing a whole turkey, your most reliable method is to slow cook it for about a day. Souz vide, smoking. Something like that. Low and slow.
If you donโt want to spend the 24-ish hours just cooking, a better option is breaking the bird down, possibly Splatchcocking the thing. (Or you know just butchering it into thighs, drum sticks, wings and breasts. Carcass for stock.)
this lets you cook it a lot more evenly.
For real. I don't even like cooking regular chicken because it has to be watched like a hawk to not burn (or at least end up dry as fuck), but also be thoroughly cooked when you don't have temperature probes you can just leave in it while cooking. I've been buying my turkey already cooked since I've had to handle thanksgiving on my own. I ain't feeding hella people so it's not really much more in price than getting a raw turkey.
Have you tried using a blowtorch? That should burn the skin at least
Glory to you and your bird of prey!
Goddammit TNGs makeup didn't survive the HD upgrades....
Nor did the morphsuits
May he have a good place in StoVoKor.