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  • Did he hear him described as a "John Doe" without having that term explained to him?

    • Oh, man. I hope this happens at a press conference....

      "...And so we know his name. I will share it with you. His name is John Doe."

      There's a pregnant pause the reporters look perplexed. An enterprising reporter way in the back yells "HIS NAME IS LITERALLY JOHN DOE?!"

      The mayor gets mad at being yelled at. "What did I just say? You heard me. His name is John Doe..." The mayor continues to berate the "fifth-rate alt media hack in the back".

      Another clever reporter furiously checked Wikipedia for an easy way to reach the mayor's muddled mind. Before he starts his next sentence - she sort of yells at him: "Wikipedia says that 'John Doe is a placeholder names when the true name of a person is unknown or is being intentionally concealed.' Is this John Doe actually named John Doe? For real?"

      The mayor is about to lecture her too but stops himself and is clearly befuddled. "John Doe is... It's... His name... John Doe is..." Clears throat. "John Doe is his code name that we in law enforcement are using..."

  • They don’t know their name. With how much of a surveillance state this is, they would’ve capped their ass by now.

  • Eric Adams has been caught in so many insane lies, it's journalistic malfeasance to quote him as a reliable source at this point. so of course, the New York Post is there to be his stenographer.

    i mean, this is the guy who claimed to carry a picture of fallen pig in his wallet for a decade and then had his staffers doctor a printout to back up his claim when called on it. adams is fucking pathological. he will make shit up and triple down on it, riding it until the wheels come off and then wake up the next day like none of it ever happened. classic NPD move.