why do job interviews have to be hard
why do job interviews have to be hard
why do job interviews have to be hard
I'm convinced no one wants to hire people anymore.
My workplace spent $2 million dollars on an IT audit only to be basically told that in order to maintain our infrastructure, we would have to over double the entire IT team, including contractors. Instead, they shoved that under the rug, implemented some "process improvements", hired more managers, divided the team, lost more people, and demanded more work than we could do before. Potentially no new positions until 2026. This year will mark my 3rd year as a contractor that they refuse to hire, despite doing the majority of laptop builds and doing all of the hard work (including emergency fixes and various mass migrations that I singlehandedly wrote all the PowerShell scripts for) that the software team is completely too incompetent to do and had shoved the work onto me, but refuse to hire me in their team. They rather spend millions getting answers their own IT workers already told them than the few 100k to hire at least a few more people.
I swear these companies are allergic to money.
What's most insulting is that they are telling us that we are part of the engineering team now, and we need to think like engineers. Yet I get reprimanded to build more laptops despite the rack being full and not focus on optimizing the builds and resolving issues that the software team pushes on me.
My workplace spent $2 million dollars on an IT audit only to be basically told that in order to maintain our infrastructure, we would have to over double the entire IT team, including contractors.
Those IT auditors must have the sweetest gig in the world because every single one of those "process optimization" boils down to "hire more personnel lmao." Cool, didn't need to blow $1M+ on something that just needed 5 minutes of passive observation to figure out.
Ah, you're being grifted by a big corp by getting shit wages and no benefits as a contractor too?
Me too, and I'm on 6 years. But I might get approved for full-time WFH soon, so I guess I got that going for me.
Same, its all a waste of resources.
Mood. I just wanna be cute -pet puppies and wear frilly dresses
ive been neet for a bit but the last time i had a job interview i had to mask harder than i thought was possible and kinda felt dirty for a week afterwards.