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Still better than Twitter, but let's be honest

Blog post by Christine Lemmer-Webber, co-editor of ActivityPub:

The likely answer to this is that there will always have to be a large corporation at the heart of Bluesky/ATProto, and the network will have to rely on that corporation to do the work of abuse mitigation, particularly in terms of illegal content and spam. This may be a good enough solution for Bluesky’s purposes, but on the economics alone it’s going to be a centralized system that relies on trusting centralized authorities.

  • I mean... ok.

    People assume that you need to "fix" social media.

    Social media is bad by definition. Yes, including Fedi and Masto.

    You're making it momentarily less crappy in a small region so that's where you are for a bit until it gets messy again and you have to move on.

    Twitter is tobacco, Bluesky is weed, Fedi is vaping. The free information utopia of the 90s wasn't hijacked by corporations, it was wrong in the first place.

    • That's like saying food is bad. Most of society might be eating trash fast food with zero nutritional value, but that doesn't mean a healthy diet isn't possible.

      I would posit that the fact I can converse with anyone anywhere at any time, makes the world a more connected and potentially peaceful place.

      In fact I'd go so far as to argue, that thanks to the internet and social media, we are closer to global consensus as a species than ever before, in history.

      Yeah, mostly because for a lot of human existence, we straight up didn't know what was happening even a couple hundred miles away.

      But now we do. THAT IS GOOD. And that applies to any thought, event, or experience, be it a natural disaster or the latest chapter of a furry fanfic.

      It used to be that people only formed communities where geographic proximity allowed for it. Social media has the potential to remove that limitation.

      Does that come with downsides? Yes, but only if we let it. And I wouldn't even say that the immediately obvius downsides are the most pressing ones, not right now.

      The most pressing issue with mainstream social media, is the fact it needs to make money, without its actual users being the customers. Instead of connecting people that wouldn't otherwise have crossed paths, or maintaining connections that would have otherwise broken, commercial social media maximizes engagement, which coincides with maximizing critical apathy, radicalization, and moral outrage.

      Algorithms impose artificial forces that act on human social behaviour. A really big one is that people are a lot less likely to form communities online with people they don't already agree with about most things.

      That has never been true in reality. People absolutely do come together and overcome differences. Reality often requires it. People who live or work together used to HAVE to figure it out, or go mad. Social media could be imposing that requirement globally.

      Instead, because the effort required is a turn-off, commercial social media platforms are designed to not just let people avoid it, but to encourage them to do so.

      We may be closer to global consensus than we have ever been before, but some of the systems we have built to supposedly facilitate communication, are actively taking us further away from it. But that's not inherent in how social media works. It's because of how it's been designed.

      Engaging with society for real, takes effort, and a lot of it. Every piece of difference between how you personally view the world, and how everyone else does, tires you. You have to constantly do mental and emotional work, in order to comprehend the people you are engaging with. When actually doing that, no one can spend all day online. It tires you out, even as you enjoy the exchange of thought.

      But since that doesn't make maximum money, who cares about connecting people across the world and facilitating mutual understanding!? Here's a post that confirms what you already think about that other political party, that other state, and that other country, and those other people! Here's two dozen more! Here's content you didn't even know about, and that is really a nothingburger, but which our algorithm has determined will flame up your feelings like a second coming of Hitler!!!

      • Bit of a wall of text, there and skimming the technooptimist take is dead on arrival with me there, so I'm not particularly interested in disecting it.

        I'll say that comparing social media to food is maybe the most depressing thing I've seen all week, and there is quite a bit of competition.