no lasers allowed
no lasers allowed
no lasers allowed
For reference: the original comic is from The Outbursts of Everett True, which ran from 1905 to the 1920s.
He's a simple man - he sees (what is in his view) injustice, and takes immediate violent action. Not letting an old lady sit on the street car? POW! wearing your tall hat in the opera? POW! Whipping your horse? POW! His takes haven't aged 100% well, but he's pretty close, all things considered.
So the comics that are being posted have been edited then, right? Because in 1905 to 1920 they certainly didn't have lasers, or even the word.
Yes, bone hurting juice is for edited comics
Yeah I like them a lot, in particular the ones about the Spanish flu, some even have conversations I have had basically word for word with anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers.
It is disappointing, isn't it, how little things have changed?
that's on him. should have lasered the guy first
Oof. Ouch.
BHJ and Everett True, the mix we’ve all been waiting for!