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I mean....come on, man!
  • This is heavy.

  • Fearing Losses, Banks Are Quietly Dumping Real Estate Loans
  • You know what, that does make me feel better.

    But I guess those jokes stunk like manure! I hate manure!

  • Fearing Losses, Banks Are Quietly Dumping Real Estate Loans
  • My bad, I should have put a "/s" on all my comments in this thread.

    Those lines are directly out of a movie. Except they say rerun instead of repost. It just seemed that the OP was driving one of these:


  • Fearing Losses, Banks Are Quietly Dumping Real Estate Loans
  • What's a repost?

    Are you back from the future or something?

  • Fearing Losses, Banks Are Quietly Dumping Real Estate Loans
  • What do you mean you've seen this? It's brand new.

  • Removed
    What's the keyboard app for android with the most accurate swipe to type?
  • I have no recommendation, but I wanted to say that I have the SAME issue. I was on a Pixel 3 and I swear that swipe could read my mind. I would be so lazy to swipe/type and I feel it would come out like 95% accurate. Then I switched to a Samsung note, and their swipe always gets it wrong multiple times in a a row. I now tap to type more than swipe.

  • New technique brings frozen brain tissue back to life without harm
  • Finally, I can eat ice cream really fast without consequences!

  • The Simpsons IMDB ratings
  • I also did not like the Lady Gaga episode.

  • Good to the last drop
  • Decarbonated citrus soda.

  • Is there any significance to people using emojis that match their skin tone?
  • I don't feel represented. There isn't a badass chrome and black cruiser emoji that makes a loud-ass rumble when you open the message, so I'm stuck with the fast and quiet Supersport 🏍.

  • Farmboy's lament
  • That's pretty amazing.

    Now, how do we get it on the radio?

  • I'll admit, I turned up the saturation on this picture a bit
  • I'm sure that saturated cat would like to be satiated with Lasagna.

  • I'll admit, I turned up the saturation on this picture a bit
  • "I hate Mondays" -This saturated cat probably

  • Have you ever clicked on an ad *on purpose?*
  • 🏴‍☠️Aaarrrgh matey, choose this chest. Thar be plenty o' booty to be had. 🦜

  • US Presidents ranked by felony convictions
  • Is there a way to compare this to a similar chart, but with number of impeachments instead of felonies?

  • You are allowed, but in that universe you must actually PokémonGO to the polls.

  • [Community Challenge #12] “Mascots”

    Another week, another challenge. It’s my turn to come up with the theme for this week.

    Meet Freddy the Fork from Kevin's Cutlery Bonanza, off highway 147 near Jay's Tattoo Parlor! Freddy the Fork loves kiddos and you won't believe how much forkin' fun your kids will have! Make your reservations toooodaaaay!

    Theme This week’s theme is "mascots for a brand or item that does not already have a mascot". I want to see some unique mascots for weird or uncommon brands or items with a brief backstory about the character. Show me what you got.


    • Follow the community’s rules above all else
    • One comment and image per user
    • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
    • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun)
    • At the end of the week each post will be scored according to the following grid

    Prize Points Most upvoted +3 points Creative back story +2 point Second most upvoted +1 point Theme is clear +1 point Most original +1 point Last entry (to compensate for less time to vote) +1 point Prompt and workflow included +1 point Posts that are ex aequo will both get the points Winner gets to pick next theme! Good luck everyone and have fun!

    Past entries

    1. Dieselpunk
    2. Goosebump Book
    3. Deep Space Wonders
    4. Fairy Tales
    5. A New Sport
    6. Monsters are Back to School
    7. War and Peace
    8. Distant lands
    9. Unreal Cartoons
    10. Sustainable Ecumenopolis
    11. Masks

    Good luck and have forkin' fun!

    I hate the stealth missions

    I play on the easiest mode and that damn whole stealth chain of missions was awful. Hated every moment of it. Forget if you never put points into stealth, then it'd truly be impossible.

    Like when you mind control, why do the other NPCs and turrets think they're enemies and start blasting their own homie who's just trying to run to a corner? Also sometimes the social popped up but I couldn't mind control, even as hidden.

    Had to blast some NPCs multiple times during those quests just to get out of the chain cuz it was basically impossible do it undetected.

    What are the best skills to invest in early in the game?

    What are your preferred skills to put your points into early on that have the biggest impact?

    Feel free to break it down by play style: stealth, fighting, exploring, etc.

    Brand new version of Thor.

    Thor is my favorite comic book hero of all time. But this chat bot massacred my boy. He was my hero and inspiration. Now he will forever haunt my nightmares.

    Got a frequent visitor

    Her, her two siblings, and pregnant (?) mom keep visiting our patio.

    Will Meta scrape and crawl through all our data now?

    So from my understanding, I can block an instance which prevents it from showing in my feed.

    However, if the instance I post to (.world) is not blocked on the receiving instance's end (Meta), they will still get my post (unless defederated)?

    If so, doesn't that open up the idea that Meta will be able to scrape and take ALL the data from ALL the (still federated) instances' posts that are not blocked by the Meta instance(s)? How can I protect my information from Meta while still being federated, or is that not possible?

    LilDumpy LilDumpy
    Posts 10
    Comments 248