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  • I always assumed they're either trying to prove they have friends or they have no self-awareness whatsoever.

  • Not "always". In fact almost never where I live. And if they do, it is very likely we witness some glorious russian culture on display.

  • I've never experienced this. Everybody here uses headphones of some sort, and I have no idea how loud they're listening.

  • They don't care about anyone else. They believe that they shouldn't care because other people do that crap, and/or if someone is annoying they should block it out with headphones. Asking them to keep to themselves is worse than just blocking it out in their eyes. I cut ties with people like that. "My" mother is like that, blasting stupid duolingo games in public areas. Bitch did that for a whole train ride and also in the elevator, and found it Funny™ that I asked her not to do that.

    Short answer: they don't care and are most likely marijuana addicts who beat their significant other when they withdraw and/or are emotionally abusive. Incredibly red flag.