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  • My dog doesn’t bark but she can express herself in many other ways. She boops me when she needs my attention. Walks to the door and sits when she wants to go out. Brings me a ball then drops it repeatedly when she wants to play fetch. She puts her paw in my hand when she needs care (tick bothering her, or else). She doesn’t need words, not even barks. She also understands a bunch of hand gestures with no word prompts, just a finger snap for attention then she sees me do 👆 that means sit. 🫳 moving down means lay down, 🐶👈 means stay… and so on…

    • I'm more of a cat person, but I always thought it was really cool how well dogs and humans can communicate from 30,000 years of living together. I remember hearing about an experiment that showed dogs could read human body language (even humans they didn't know) better than chimps, our closest relatives.