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Thoughts on Ladytron?

Their lyrics aren't particularly deep, the vocals aren't exactly showing a wide range of pitch or even emotion, originality between songs is mostly lacking, and though the backing is pretty boss, the main melodies are on the verge of being nursery rhymes....

... and yet I adore this band, with their smooth and entrancing synth, simple lyrics sung with Helen Marnie's silky enticing northern/scottish accent.

I can't shake the idea that I'm listening to low quality barely thought out music, but I also can't shake the idea that anyone's trying to sell me on them either.

They just put out these WYHIWYG songs, and there's this sense of raw honesty to their bleak and bland style that really jams with me.

Music without pretense, subtext, or reference. Just music. I love it.

  • Heard the simlish version of "Ghosts" in the Sims 2 years ago and was completely obsessed with their music for a while lmfao, that one and "Seventeen" still hold a special place in my heart.

  • I like them. Fell in love the first time I heard Light & Magic. Still listen to that album a few times each year :).

    Another band that sort of sounds like them is Client.

  • Ah man, some of my favorite bands sound like some dude in a basement with a keyboard, microphone & reel to reel recorder.

    King Missile being the one I can recall off the top of my head.