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On May 5, Microsoft’s Skype will shut down for good

Understandable choice, given that Skype is pretty much redundant with Teams. Back in 2004-2005 Skype was really hyped because of free voice calls through the Internet, but few days later several other messaging apps incorporated that feature; Skype's thunder was stolen. Also its inconsistent branding was a problem: there was Skype for Business that later became Lync, ultimately becoming Teams. Skype kind of became forgotten and obsolete.

  • hardly surprising. we talk about enshittification today but Skype was one of the most egregious offenders before the term was even coined, in late-stage Skype (circa 2016-2017) i couldn't even run the fucking thing without lag because of in-line ads. the user experience was frankly awful, and once you've used something like Discord or Zoom there's just never any reason to go back.

  • The last time I used skype, it was to monitor my 3d print because I needed to finish a project and my last attempt went all spaghetti.

    So as I was at work I'd log into my computer from my phone, call myself with skype, and check to make sure everything was still okay.

    Then I discovered octoprint.

  • Looking back over my long and occasionally successful life, I must admit that I do have a few regrets here and there. One is that for a couple of years, I was a Skype user. Oh well, at least I stayed away from Teams.

  • I am not sure why but one day every international Skype user I know switched to Viber. I wonder what impact Viber had on Skype.