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  • Legoland. Obviously 😎

    • Fuck Lego (the company). Their bricks are on the lower end of the quality spectrum, way too many stickers, shit and cheaped out designs and bricks and all that for 50 to 400% more cash. There is nothing that makes Lego any better than competitors, except the little "Lego" imprint. And, in fact, if you call identical bricks, that are simply not made/sold by Lego, "Lego", the will sue you (if you have any public influence). Also, they sabotage competitors by claiming IP on basic parts that are hard to realize differently, even though they did not invent the concept of clamping bricks at all.

      I get the point of "Lego was good when I was a kid, I want to give my kid the same experience" - but instead of beautiful, complex and interesting 300€ Unimog they'll get an ugly-ass, very simple and cheaply made 400€ set with much less design and parts value.

      If you are already boycotting stuff, try eg. BlueBrixx, Pantasy, CaDa, Cobi, Mould King and dozens of smaller ones. Some are produced in the EU, like Cobi (Poland).