There's like 15 people in this country who could be looking for work and aren't. How does inflicting revenge pain on them raise any sort of money for the rest of us?
They're either lying, or utterly incompetent when it comes to understanding who's in the welfare system.
We've come full circle on this one. This is pretty much exactly the same shit they said 13 years ago when we all had to 'tighten our budgets' whilst the richest people in the UK got significantly richer at our expense.
Mate I work a minimum wage warehouse job and my partner works part time in a supermarket. We rent a 2 bed terrace house that hasn't had any work done to it in 20 years and can barely afford to keep the lights on. Middle class I ain't.
The OP is clearly using hyperbole. But only 1% of the welfare bill goes on unemployment benefits, so even if absolutely everyone on unemployment benefits is cheating and you cut them off, you don't save much. In reality the majority of people on unemployment benefits are not cheating the system - a system that already sanctions the unemployed for not actively seeking work.
You'd be surprised to find out that it's way more than 15 people. I've personally known at least a dozen who immigrated to the UK just because of the welfare system and they'd abuse it by getting paid for sitting on their ass all day.
I was an audiotypist for benefit fraud interviews for many years. My partner at the time worked in the BDC. I’m also a first generation immigrant. What I’m trying to say is that you absolutely are talking out your arse.
I can assure you that even if anyone immigrates to the UK, the road between stepping foot in the country and being able to claim benefits is long and complex.
I mean I'll happily have a debate about the merits of UBI in a world where we're rushing towards mass unemployment, but that's aside it's a very very small segment of people on welfare who are "playing the system".
It's bullshit rhetoric designed to get people shouting down at the poorest in our society whilst the richest get away with stealing from us all.
Jeremy Hunt:
"A "poor" asked me for some change or a warm drink the other day. Obviously I wanted to help him, so I punched him in the face and stole his rucksack and blanket, which will support and encourage him back into the world of work."
It's a great bogeyman they can spend money going after because the people who they'll screw over (ie those who will lose their home if they start working as minimum wage is too low and support is only given to people who earn below a certain amount which is way too little) would never vote for them anyway
Yep, election year in New Zealand too and National are doing the exact same thing... I'm so tired of this boogeyman, I don't know how other people aren't just as tired of this bullshit.
Anecdotal evidence is not stronger than actual data. Your father became reliant on the state because the state paid a living wage and other jobs didn't.