Old rule
Old rule
Old rule
For the curious that is very much Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins.
And he deserves the comparison
Even worse, that's Billy Corgan holy shit. He looks like a raisin that's been soaking in bleach for a month.
Despite all my rage I still cannot act my age.
Bill Burr?!
That thing he's doing with his mouth: it's unnatural for him
I liked him better when he still had his testicle beard.
Guess growing up was kinda tough after all
Billy Corgan is proof that the world is indeed a vampire.
One Punch Man
So glad he beat the cancer!
Nah man that's Elmer Rudd when he's not hunting rabbits
Each day I grow some more, I'm Cai-----llou
He looks a bit like the guy who is the voice of Agent 47 from the Hitman games.