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  • Seriously, y'all need to stop doing the spammers work for them by reposting it

    • How are we supposed to be aware of the potential scams if they don't post it though?

      • If that's the reason, one can blur out the links and shit. But this is fairly obvious, and also it's all over lemmy constantly giving free advertisement to the spammer

  • I fell for her pretty hard, I don't even mind that we all share but I get Saturday nights.

  • It seemed pretty out of left field. Like, okay... I'm not clicking on any of that. No explanation of why someone would message me this and as I expected, it seems to have been some sort of widespread spam.

  • I’ve gotten this message on my mastodon account twice, from different instances/accounts. Blocked them all.

  • I got this message on my mastodon account, thought it was weird and just ignored it