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  • Of course Mozilla kisses the ring. If they cared about staying afloat, they would be on the phone with Startpage or DDG right now.

  • Mozilla agrees that we need to improve search competition, but the DOJ’s proposed remedies unnecessarily risk harming browser competition instead.

    The only one hurting browser competition is Mozilla. They want to keep sucking at the teat of BigTech. They don't want to be a non-profit with a focused mission, constrained by recurring and one-off revenues. They want to be an adtech company, bUt wiTH pRivAcY. The judge should absolutely rip the band-aid off. If Mozilla sinks, it sinks.

    • Got addicted to google monies, hilarious that they could sign with search engine competitors but instead fed the google monopoly even more

  • The Google money is gone. That's why they been upping the AI and advertising stuff. Mozilla knows the Google gravy train is dead.