I was willing to overlook many of Trump's frauds and failures, until I found out he hired a G@mer 🤢🤢.
I was willing to overlook many of Trump's frauds and failures, until I found out he hired a G@mer 🤢🤢.
I was willing to overlook many of Trump's frauds and failures, until I found out he hired a G@mer 🤢🤢.
Chapo was joking about this (yes I still listen occasionally)
and they were cracking wise about how trump gave her the laptop as a bribe, and they totally missed the opportunity to joke that Barron was in trouble for bad grades so trump gave his laptop to the lawyer
“Your honor, I’m so confident in my client’s innocence that I started a new Minecraft play through-“
Objection your honor! Excessive platform performance for use case!
“LMAO. Bro, overruled.”
I hope the courtroom sketch artist is going nuts with RGB highlights on everyone
This is the most beautiful mental image I've had in quite some time.
She was playing Ragnarok Online.
I miss that game
She got upsold by some guy at Best Buy.
Today the laptop stayed closed with a binder covering the backlight
Ay ROG gang! 😎😎😎
Just a dyslexic honoring of Ruth Bader Ginsburg