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  • We're both really good about strategic dishwasher placement, but my wife cannot understand that both bowls and spoons get separated by size. So I put the dishes away because THEY MAKE A FUCKING SLOT FOR THE BIG SPOON AND A FUCKING SLOT FOR THE LITTLE SPOON IN THE SILVERWARE DRAWER AND IT ISN'T FOR MAKING A RANDOM CHOICE GOD DAMN IT!

    Okay, I feel better now.

  • And neither of them empties the dishwasher

    • I keep two dishwashers. Then I have more room for beer and snacks in the cupboards

    • I don't understand. Emptying it is the more satisfying task for sure. That being said, I also just leave the clean stuff ij there until I need it or alternatively until there is enough dirty stuff to fill a load. The system is flawless.

  • I stack the dishwasher like a scandinavian racoon on an architect

    • This exactly. I have rules. But adherence to and interpretation of said rules gets more chaotic as the dishwasher gets more full.

  • If only my meth-head racoon could empty the dishwasher once in a while...

  • I want to send this to my girlfriend but it might be too aggressive lol