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What's for dinner tonight? Wed 08 Nov 2023

  • I was being all organised for Xmas and bought a frozen rolled turkey breast...

    It's in the oven, I'll have to go back and get another for Xmas. 🤣

    • What will accompany the turkey? Or will you just pig out on it with a knife and fork like I would?

      • While I'd happily do that too, I've got kids and I'm apparently meant to set a good example...

        I baked chucky diced potato, carrots, sweet potato and brussel sprouts to go with it.

  • Rice with stuff mixed in. I had a jar of chicken souvlaki meat, so I used that, added onion, cauliflower, roasted pumpkin, dried tomato, spinach, avocado, cream, blue brie and parmesan. Tastes pretty good.

    • Rice and bits!!!

      I think everyone knows I work in IT, which means I am surrounded by Indians. I'm always giving them shit because they all eat "rice and bits" everyday. 😀

      "What's for lunch?"
      "Rice and bits!"

      ~(I'm not-so-secretly jealous, their lunches smell amazing)~

  • As advertised:

    Used my pressure cooker thing for the rice and it's kinda wet. Think I added too much water. Only made enough rice for tonight so I'll get another crack at it with the leftovers.

  • Here we have some crumbed prawn cutlets, cucumber, Swiss cheese, coleslaw, tartar sauce on a brioche bun with an assortment of baby tomatoes.

  • Still thinking about it.. I bought stuff for a few different options last night. I might do curried sausages on rice.

  • I have no idea still. I've been having trouble deciding on anything, and now I'm hungry which makes me even more indecisive. I'm going to go and peer in the cupboards and freezer and see what I come up with. I suspect some sort of Frankenstein concoction of multiple things because I can't decide between them.

  • Old veggie sghetti...

    Basically roasted a bag of cherry tomatoes, onions, garlic and some zucchini that was getting past prime. Lots of salt and pepper. Mixed through pasta with fetta. Added a tin of tuna because my brain has been foggy and I think I might need to up my protein game.

    And because I can't estimate I have heaps for lunch tomorrow.

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