They're still salty about being asked to wear a mask to protect their fellow Americans, huh?
They're still salty about being asked to wear a mask to protect their fellow Americans, huh?
They're still salty about being asked to wear a mask to protect their fellow Americans, huh?
They'll wear face coverings when protesting about wearing masks though 🙅
The only way that logic has ever made sense to me is when I allow for the fact that they’re all tremendous cowards.
Then it all clicks in place.
Oh man! Reminds me of a woman that made a huge scene about being refused somewhere with an exemption doctor's note, she ended up calling the police to try and force the business owner to let her in... Anyway she was saying that the masks triggered her asthma which is why she was exempted but looking at her Facebook page the previous Halloween she was dressed as... A ninja with her face fully covered except for the eyes!
These people are a bunch of complete idiots.
Of all the ways to force compliance into someone, they think an authoritarian government would choose to force masks? This is dumb beyond imagination.
also the US already has a militarised police force that routinely kills people for not immediately obeying arbitrary orders.
Oh yeah? Then why did it end? Also, it started under Trump. Right wing memers are so dumb
Well they don't blame trump because the eeeeeevil Dr fauci forced him to do it.
Wow this trump guy sounds like a real no-power pushover cuck huh.
Yeah, you seem to fail to understand that the masks were uncomfortable, which makes their saltiness more than justified, actually. Not to mention the thousands of people who died from oxygen deficiency while breathing through a piece of cloth!!!
I like this meme. We can apply this logic directly to laws criminalizing abortions, or regulations to make access to abortions more difficult.
But somehow i have the feeling they won't agree with this.
It was never for the fetus, It was always to defeat us
It's not about welfare, It's about wealth heirs
are they gloating? anti-maskers won. covid still continues to spread yet no one cares anymore about even the possibility of eradicating this new virus.
They didn’t win, antiviral treatment and vaccines reduced the threat to acceptable levels.
They are salty because as soon as they could the evil world governments removed the restrictions thereby completely negating all the batshit nonsense they were banging on about.
Also if you are vaccinated you are supposed to be already dead by now. So it’s inconvenient to their narrative that we aren’t.
Also for some reason windmills kill whales. It’s all part of Bill Gates plan you see?
i guess so, death rates are indeed lower now but its not going to bring the millions who died from state negligence back.
covid could have been solved quickly had the first world countries taken immediate action as soon as vaccines were available and made it available to everyone. instead pharma corps decided to guard their IP and profit of off the deaths and suffering.
there was no smallpox-eradication like imitative against COVID because there is not much profit to be made. we are in a neoliberal era where governments are retreating from doing welfare or anything remotely good to just running tools used to crush dissent. the ideological competition which existed pre-1991 is no longer there.
And even if covid may not be immediately killing people doesn't mean its long term effects aren't visible, see excess mortality.
Unless you’re in the klan! Then it’s just fashion?
Conservatives seem to love masks the moment they march for white nationalism…
Narrator's voice: It was always about the science
hilarious considering those losers are the biggest bootlickers around
We should start a campaign of not shooting ourselves in the face. Hopefully these people will not comply with it.
Do they think masks need to be worn that tight?
Read the question again
jee, it kinda resembles soviet propaganda posters, it even rhymes its slogan in the same cringy way, except the art is also cringe af
Without reading the server name, one might think this is just relaying right wing propaganda. It's not an obviously bad right wing joke, it's just plain ol propaganda.
Fuck you. I won't do what you tell me!
Seat belts are cool tho
I feel like there's at least one story a year about a conservative talking head who dies from a lack of seat belt related injury.
Must be weird being able to put 2 and 2 together in midair and realize at the end, you're the killer, but not before the Half Life gib SFX plays