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We Could Fix Everything, We Just Don't We Could Fix Everything, We Just Don't

[programmers frantically pulling cables out of the wall] AI: "Nuclear power. Double teachers' salaries. Build more houses. Distribute food more fairly. TRAINS—" — qntmyrrh (@qntm) November 24, 2023 I remember growing up with that same old adage of how you could be the next scientist to invent a cure...

We Could Fix Everything, We Just Don't
Hacker News

We Could Fix Everything, We Just Don't

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Hacker News

We Could Fix Everything, We Just Don't

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  • Yes! This has been very frustrating for me as an engineer. I chose this path in order to help solve the big problems of our times. And then realized that we don't need engineers for that, solutions are lying unused on the floor everywhere.

    Climate: We know electrification displaces fossil fuel usage. And we know how to produce electricity without emitting CO2 (yes, nuclear, but now increasingly renewables). We don't have one solution to get out of the climate crisis, we have a dozen. I don't have any work there as an engineer. There is a political opposition to overcome, from conservatives mostly but shockingly also from ecologists who refuse to do their homeworks and still claim EVs or nuclear energy is not part of the solution. We could have solved the CO2 emission crisis in the 90s.

    Work automation: My main focus as a roboticist. I started doubting my path when I realized that subway trains were not automated 50 years after it became possible (and done in a real world deployment). We could be in a post-labor society today, but the transition period to it is so scary that we refuse to take the jump.

    Inequality: Redistribution works. Proven, published, profitable to the majority. Ergo, the minority of rich make sure democracy remains broken.

    Fascism: Education works. Population educated about critical thinking and media literacy spread far less misinformation. People who know about the Milgram experiment are less likely to fall for unethical orders. Yet we do not do it.

    It is weird. I am a big technophile and hard science lover but if I were back in my 18s I would rather choose either social science or arts as a lever to change things for the best. Engineers have done their work. We will continue to make it easier to bring good to the work but when you see ecologists moan about wind turbines being ugly, EVs being non-ideal and conservatives about coal being manly and chunky vibrating thermal cars being cool, it feels a bit like installing an escalator to the fitness center: the problem is not in the accessibility, it is in the will.

    Interested in other peoples take on it btw.

  • I just assumed rich people don't wanna, so we just have to live with the same shit. It's easy to find lawyers to explain why we can't even when engineers say how we can and scientists explain how we must.

    • Why would rich people change the society which made them rich in the first place?

      • A better question is why wouldn't rich people do what they could to preserve their lives of luxury. Nick Hanauer, enterpriser and venture capitalist has been on the lecture circuit for some time now noting that the working class tolerates a stratified society only when lives near the bottom aren't miserable, such as, a minimum-wage income is a living wage that affords rent, utilities, food and enough downtime to not go mad.

        Instead, rich people are pushing to change society, to curb OSHA restrictions, the 40-hour work week, the weekend, mandated safety features and healthcare provisions and so on (what had to be fought for during the 20th century).

        Curiously, our industrialists resent having to treat their labor force like human beings, even when we've established through studies that well-treated labor is so much more productive over poorly-treated labor as to be worth additional expense for the benefits. But our upper managers still imagine things in terms of time theft while wage theft and tip stealing run epidemic. The game industry continues to crunch even when we know crunching reduces productivity to below 10% of normal productivity, essentially rendering crunch ineffective, yet all the AAA development companies (and many indies) still crunch their devs.

        This is how we see that capitalism fails to do what the ideology claims it does. Competition is supposed to drive us towards optimal production efficiency, and yet we see time and again top-down management subject to human bias and making up for it by innovating anti-competitive practices that circumvent oversight and legal restrictions. Capitalism fails to make smart guys rich, but already-rich guys even richer, whether they're good at business or not.

        During the Great Depression, life under Hoover and his industrialist pals was not giving capitalism a good name and by comparison, what Lenin was doing didn't seem so bad even despite the growing pains of the Soviet Union. (We also narrowly avoided a fascist takeover, if Major General Smedley Butler of the USMC is to be believed.) FDR's New Deal was a stopgap to give capitalism another chance, which the industrialists resented and even then were plotting to reverse. The rise of the religious right and Reagan's presidency (opening Washington to Lobbyists) were the fruits of that effort.

        Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation is essentially the endgame, and the fascist takeover: Neuter elections, killing the power of the Democratic party at the federal and state levels and instill an autocracy, meanwhile using propaganda of the enemy within and burning our marginalized populations in order to curb civil unrest. Eventually they'll have to find a war, maybe against Eastasia or something.

  • OK, so the post ends with an exhortation to "DO SOMETHING," but what? What the fuck can I do?

    • First of all to understand that the problem is not technology, but the systems we have. So the goal should be to either change the systems we already have or to create new ones. The common tools are:

      • ban bad technoligies. That would be something like a ban on internatl combustion engines or fossil fuel boilers
      • set up none capitalist structures to gurantee access to some technolgies. For example public health care for cancer medicin.
      • change planing priorities. That would be public funding for railways instead of car based infrastructure.
      • add hidden costs as real costs. Something like emissions pricing for example.

      A lot of this can be done on a smaller scale as well. Local councils are responsible for roads and therefore can turn parts of them into cycling infrastructure. Then you have stuff like cooperatives for utlities for example. They are run for the benfits of the members and not for Wallstreet. The key is to change the underlying system to make it better. There are plenty of threads here, which talk about individual solutions. Just go for a problem that you are intrested in and find a solution. Usually they can be fund and just have to be copied and adapted to local factors.

      Also important to say is that you are not going to fix the every problem in the world alone. Fixing one part of the problem is difficult enough and you have to trust that others will do the right thing as well.

      • But this is just a series of solutions you already said will not be implemented. The article even pointed to the underlying cause of these problems. There is a misaligning of goals between corporations, politicians, and the general good. You can’t vote this problem away, you can’t boycott this problem away. As far as i can tell, to solve these issues, you will need to remove to current political system, and establish a new one, removing many rights and powers corporations enjoy, and allowing the people to pivot on political platforms that better suit their needs. I Believe CGP Grey is right on a better system that should be established in the old one’s stead. The problem is for now the bread and circuses still flow.

      • You didn't answer the question.

        ban bad technoligies.

        How? The niches for those technologies are created and maintained by those same people you want to do a complete 180 and ban-hammer them instead.

        set up non-capitalist structures

        How? Using your example you have to either manufacture and distribute said cancer medicine yourself. Which is a crime... And at they point it's probably more effective to just straight up rob a pharmacy and redistribute, robin hood style. I hope I don't need to go into detail how that's not a real answer/solution...

        (Sidenote: is very cool and doing some work in this sort of direction, but it should stand as an example of how complicated and largely inefective at scale that approach is.)

        change planing priorities.

        So go to approval hearings and throw a fit until you are arrested and they build the car based infrastructure anyways?

        add hidden costs as real costs.

        Oooh neoclassical economics!!! So how should I bill you for my time writing this comment?