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Just your average Western Values, Freedom and Democracy loving Russian.

WW2 poster Wiki

  • Western Values

    Don't defame the Soviets like that

  • Would've preferred "Soviet" but it's better than nothing I guess.

    • To play devils advocate, even they used ‘Soviet’ and ‘Russian’ interchangeably

      • Huh, nice to know but I will still complain xdddd

        Equating being a Soviet with being a Russian kinda defeats the purpose imo, but it could've also been presented as equating being a Russian with being a Soviet. So it really depends with how it was done lol

  • with the sole and partial exception of the Second World War period, the propaganda offensive has never let up. In 1943 Life magazine devoted an entire issue in honor of the Soviet Union's accomplishments, going far beyond what was demanded by the need for wartime solidarity, going so far as to call Lenin "perhaps the greatest man of modern times". Two years later, however, with Harry Truman sitting in the White House, such fraternity had no chance of surviving. Truman, after all, was the man who, the day after the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, said: "If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious in any circumstances."

    - William Blum, Killing Hope