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Did Israel address the South Africa's quoting of their leaders in its defense?

I watched most of the South African case. You only need to watch the 10min-30min window where they just quote all their Israeli leaders making explicit calls for genocide.

Is there a point in the Israeli case where they address this? I'd rather not listen to the entire 2.5 hours to confirm it doesnt exist.

Edit: using this upload for reference:

South Africa's case as well:

  • So far they've been focusing on leaning on allies dismissing it out of hand rather than any of the evidence - because the evidence points to them carrying out a genocide and they've broadcasted their intent to do so quite happily in Hebrew.

  • Israel's defense (not unexpected) is basically "we aren't fighting Gaza or Palestinians as a whole, just KHamas" which has been their paper thin excuse since day 0. They also addressed genocidal statements by saying essentially it was just individuals saying things. Now, how the fuck the PM of a country, the president of the country, multiple high ranking cabinet-type officials and elected members of their government all saying clear cut genocidal things is "just individuals saying things as an individual" is a question for the world to answer. But to any normal person, it's clear what Israel was and is intending to do. They said it. Maybe they regret being so brazen, although I doubt that based on the fact they're still fucking doing it, but that doesn't change anything.

    Finkelstein covered it with another serious person whose name I can't remember. I watched most of the Israeli presentation (fuck my brain) and indeed it was like 90% "but Oct 7" "but Hamas!" And 10% "Oct 7! Hamas! Also, South Africa isn't even involved in the conflict. Why are they bringing a case? We will internally handle any wrongdoing if there is any." A legal argument to dismiss it based on lack of jurisdiction or standing. So their defense is essentially "we're killing Hamas. Blame them for any civilian deaths. Any statements made, no matter their rank or position in government or military or whatever, are only individuals speaking as individuals. And also who the fuck is South Africa or the ICJ or The Hague to tell Israel what to do? Leave us alone to do our genocide!"