Skip Navigation Discord & new admins!

Hey folks!

I think I usually write too much, so I will try to keep it short and sweet this time.


I have created an official Discord server for! This is mostly intended as a back-up channel to share announcements with users - for example, if there is ever an incident and is offline, I can send updates about the situation in Discord. But feel free to join if you just want to chat with other users as well!

You can join the Discord at this link:

New admins

Two new admins have been added to the team! and have stepped up and volunteered to help me take care of the report queue. I think having good admins is super important to ensure a pleasant experience for all users, so I'm super happy that we have users who were willing to share this responsibility with me.

My hope is that adding a few more admins has helped ensure that I am less of a single point of failure for now. I am still considering maybe adding one or two more admins in the near future, but in terms of actual workload, I think the current team is already a pretty good size.

Anyway, that's all I have for you for now - please join the Discord if that's something you're interested in, and please welcome our new admins!

Edit: has been added as an admin as well!

For now, I believe this is a good size for the team, we won't be adding any more admins in the near future. A big thanks to all who responded to the call for admins!

  • Hey everyone.

    Happy to come on board the admin team. Like Sunaurus said, I'll be mainly keeping an eye on content and handling your reports. Don't hesitate to reach out if needed.


    • Hi there, thanks for helping keep the instance running smoothly!

  • Thank you for the warm welcome. Happy to be helping the communities.

  • I like when you write a lot, hahah. This was a good length too, though :D

  • Thank you for all the work you’re doing for this instance; welcome new admins! 👋

  • Thanks for another informative post and a very warm welcoyo the new admins! Good to see a discord server up and running

  • Sunaurus, thank you very much. It is awesome to see team growth. Good luck in future! ❤️