Why has no bodh thoight of thid yet??!
Why has no bodh thoight of thid yet??!
Why has no bodh thoight of thid yet??!
Love how we Westerners think we see through Russian propaganda, but the Russian people don't.
News flash: They know they're being lied to. That's part of the plan to keep them cynical. When they see Western news, they assume it's the same level of bullshit their government feeds them.
They aren't really wrong either. We have our own propaganda problems too.
No, America is the number one country in the world!
This is satire but it still hurts to read
I really /hope/ it's sstire
Reality itself has become a satire at this point
Because nobody really cares what actors think, when it comes down to it.
I don't know who is Putin's favorite actor, but his favorite band is called Lube. It's a russian band and it's name is not as funny in russian.
Did anybody even try sending Putin the "Imagine" video?
I've only send him the 2 girls 1 cup video.
No response
"Devyataya Rota" ("The 9th Company")
I'm surprised they suspect that movie, not something like 17 Moments of Spring. He'd probably see himself as an MC there. I'd suspect Rota's more popular with vets and he's not one.
It's a shame Putins favorites are Stalin, Tsar Peter and Genghis Khan.