Google maps killed people last year. It used to be that if you navigated to a pin based on lat lon it would geocode the location. Often, in the wilderness this would get geocoded to the center of a very large school district. This led me to being a hundred miles off on one occasion in the Gila wilderness without realizing I had missed where I really intended to go. I am sure this happened to the couple in Nevada that got lost, then got stuck, then got lost and stuck again.
I don't know why people are down voting you. You are speaking the truth. I learned the hard way in Oregon and in the deserts of New Mexico that if I must use Google for GPS, use it on satellite view and that's how you can get accurate locations on your pins. But it only works on satellite view.
Otherwise, no joke, Google will navigate you to the middle of a school district, absolutely nowhere near the pinned destination. It's disorienting and terrifying especially when alone and confused. Like I know I dropped that pin last time I was there but I don't know how to get back! I'm lost!