The only real quality of life change I want, is to handle bags better (like update icon/name). I can't keep track of what went were especially when using the sorting feature will move things around. We have a bag for keys, camping supplies, and alchemy stuff. Why can't I say "arrows go here, potions go here, etc." That would make me very happy.
Is there a real pause button? Seems like the game is still running in the background when you hit ESC and you have to go into turn based mode to stop things. Wish the space bar paused and unpaused the game. Wish there was a double time mode too.
Um, since when is there a size limit to chest inventories? You do realize you can make the window bigger, and a scroll bar appears if there are too many items to show at once? Right??
I'm too much of a hoarder, at least during my first playthrough lol, I have been expanding it as far as it'll go, but I'd love if it could be expanded further.
I think next run, I won't keep as much crap (so many books! Haha) but we'll see.
Except you can't make it wider than five slots and not taller than ten. Considering you can easily have hundreds of items in there it's terribly inadequate. The whole inventory management is terrible, is it really too much to ask to have tabs for different item types? This is stuff I really can't believe they kept through three whole years of early access.
Focusing on fixing any leftover nitpicks before even putting out the customary "sorry-we-fucked-up-so-spectacularly" apology letter that every AAA game comes with these days?
The peeps at Larian gotta reconsider their priorities.
Is there a real pause button? Seems like the game is still running in the background when you hit ESC and you have to go into turn based mode to stop things. Wish the space bar paused and unpaused the game. Wish there was a double time mode too.