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Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid
  • "The French"? The homogenous singular entity that all have one singular set of goals and no differences whatsoever? Or the Frrench people who'd like cheap energy or maybe the French electricity lobbyists? It's not that simple.

  • Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid
  • Who would "they" be in that case? The people who'd like cheap energy do indeed need storage. The nuclear lobbies on the other hand need to cripple their competition, so they only need their own, already present facilities and whatever means they can get to sabotage upcoming competition and secure their primary position.

  • Finally a useful feature (no)
  • I've made a quantum leap in food technology: I have invented french fries with a dedicated AI... let's say napkin. Not like it matters. It costs 450 dollars per month and requires the area of a small town's worth of rain forest to be razed in order to produce a single one. What does it do, you ask? It's AI, it does AI things, you bumpkin. You wouldn't understand with your uncultured peasant brain but if you're not on board, the evolution of civilisation will leave you behind in an instant.

  • Shower thoughts are wasting water.
  • have you ever had a shower in under two minutes and washed your whole body?

    Yes. My first thought was whether there may be a "best practice" way of showering efficiently and which professions may have suggestions on that (either jobs that are very time-constrained or jobs that are tight on resources?) and whether there were more effective ways of catching the water than a bucket (maybe some elaborate tarp placement? probably not feasible. the ultimate tarp placement would be one just around the body like one of the shields in star trek or star wars. maybe one of those bubble soccer balls upside down filled with water and one showerer? rolling down a hill in a plastic hamster ball full of water would be fun. also terrifying and basically dynamic waterboarding, but fun) and that was when the two minutes ended.

  • Shower thoughts are wasting water.
  • Are you limited to either having a thought or moving your body at any given time? I hope you don't drive cars or perform other activities that require more than zero thoughts at once.

  • Dragon Age: The Veilguard leads say it will be 'mission-based' rather than open world, with no fetch quests or busywork: 'You're not going to be gathering shards in the Hinterlands'
  • You now have a one-quest-long window to do these three steps in order otherwise you will never be able to complete this quest line due to missing out on the item that's only available if you use this specific thingamajig on the other thingamajig in the hidden room. There isn't any indication of that in the entire game, except that some quest will never ever finish and be stuck on the vague "find x things" stage forever. If you google how to finish the quest in thirty hours of game time, you're just SoL. Better luck next run.

    What exactly is the "role" one is playing here? Diviner? Psychic reading the game dev's mind?

  • When Trump visits a black church
  • I'm sure there are exceptions for when you have to cover up your extramarital affairs with pornstars, when you reeeeeeally wanna keep some top-secret documents for personal use, when you make your money by defrauding others or just feel like keeping people in permanent fear so that they turn to you for salvation. After all, the constitution, which he has very much read, says that he can do absolutely everything with absolute impunity.

  • Gaming beebarfbadger
    Gacha gamers: which is your favourite disappointment simulator and why?
    104 Gig Patch?

    That's like Theseus bringing in his ship for maintenance and when he returns to get it, the ship mechanic saying "so I have good news and bad news..."..

    [Spoilers] Ahsoka - nature vs. nurture

    Say what you will about the pacing and stuff, but this show FINALLY gave me a complete force muggle who had no mystical legendary bloodline of famous force space wizards behind her, no cloned mega-space-emperor midichlorian legacy shenanigans that made her the super-special chosen one and she STILL got to use the force through sheer grit and training and determination! Sabine Wren is what the broom kid could have been.

    No, you don't have to be the spawn of the force-elite with a meticulous pedigree and breeding to get all forcey, you can do it all on your own! Go get that coffee mug, you can do it!

    Is zero divisible by zero?

    Seems like it should and the result should be one. Does mathematics agree with me on that?

    Disable Autosave to prevent Save Corruption

    I just played a session and noticed that saving didn't work properly anymore - I would enter a save name and hit save, but afterwards, the save would not appear in the list. When I tried to reload the last appearing save in the list, the game told me it detected save corruption and could not load it. After the initial wailing and gnashing of teeth, I noticed that the last save in the list, the corrupted one was right after some milestone. I reloaded the last working save, played up to the part where that corrupted save would have been and noticed that it was right after some cutscene where the game would have been autosaving WHILE I initiated the quicksave. It seems that you can royally screw yourself if you cause overlapping save procedures, so for the foreseeable future, I will make sure that the only one initiating saves is me, no more autosaves here.

    tl;dr: If you save while an autosave is being made, your save will risk being corrupted. Generally don't overlap saves in progress.

    Infinite HP (kinda spoilerish?)

    While there is no at-will cantrip that directly heals, the unlockable illithid power Transfuse Health lets one heal another character at the cost of half one's current hp. Now you'll be thinking, "that's not infinite", and you'd be mostly right - except warlocks can create 7 temp hp at will with the eldritch invocation Fiendish Vigor. The neat thing about transfuse health is that it does not transfer the healing character's hp to the healed one - no, it subtracts the amount of half the character's current hp and then heals the other character for that, BUT, it starts subtracting from temporary hp! This means that as long as you have 15 hp and 7 points of fiendish vigourous temp hp up, the seven hp that make up half your current actual hp will be subtracted from your temp hp and not touch your real hp, leaving you with 15 perfectly fine and untouched hp. Reapply fiendish vigour and repeat as often as necessary.

    It may not be the fastest way of healing, but it is repeatable ad infinitum on other group members and only leaves the healer at 15 hp + 7 temp hp.

    Save corruption?

    When will the patches be stable enough that one would -with a reasonable degree of certainty- no longer expect save corruption anymore in the process? Because I will not, can not, do the first couple hours yet again at this point. I may roll another character when things have settled down and any further twiddling will be mostly cosmetic, but right now, no. BG3 is on hold for me now.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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