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  • Official statement from Proton, after I filed a complaint:

    Hello,   Thank you for contacting us.   We appreciate you reaching out, please be informed that we have shared a response to the community feedback which can be found here:   We hope you find this information helpful. Should you have any further issues, questions or perhaps a concern that you'd like us to address, please do not hesitate to let us know.

    Kind regards,

    Ethan Customer Support Proton Mail

    My response:


    Thank you for your response. I wish this would clarify everything, however, the comments he made on Reddit were done with the official Proton admin account, therefore making his personal comments an official Proton statement. Next to the fact that he posted his personal believes as an official Proton statement, the claims he made are factual untrue, making Proton spread fake news (as noted in the comments under Yen his statement). If it indeed it is just his personal opinion, he should have posted everything from his personal account only.

    I have my personal opinion which I don't mind sharing with others, but I won't use a company account to make these claims as that could get me fired.

    Andy Yen didn't make Proton a part of his opinion by just sharing it, but by sharing it as Proton. I believe Proton should take action if Proton doesn't want to be affiliated with Yen his personal opinions and with the fake news he spreads.

    I would like to know what Proton will do about this incident and how Proton will ensure this doesn't happen again in the future as incidents like these make Proton look unprofessional and breaks trust with its customer base, one which holds privacy and security high. When the CEO is so easy to manipulate by populists and fake news from another country and makes this official Proton statements, how can the company ensure what it stands for.

    Kind regards,


  • That the democrats don't stand for the little guys anymore is something I agree with, but to then say the republicans do is wild

  • This isn’t going “full MAGA”. This isn’t even going half MAGA. Shit, this isn’t even going a little MAGA. He’s very clearly saying he approves of the pick.

  • I can't catch a break.

    EDIT: Nope. It's my fault. I was warned about Proton, and I didn't listen. I deserve this.

    • Warned by, how? A brief sentence with no citations would be enough for me.

  • Goddammit, and I just signed up for a Duo account during their sale last year to try and de-google me and my partner's life.

    Ugh, I guess it's still better than Google too, but I won't be migrating to their password manager or vpn. Now I have to fully anticipate leaving Proton ASAP as well. It's even more of a pita for my partner though, she's not a techie, part of the proton appeal was that the apps and integrations make switching convenient for her.

    So fucking typical, I miss the "Don't be evil" days when engineers at least pretended to care about social issues and sometimes even actually did.

    • Not during the sale, but this year I upgraded my account and switched over to their VPN with plans to move my email away from google. In fact just this morning I was looking at using their calendar.. Sucks.

  • What Trump really means here is "big tech has run amok they need to kiss my ring first and then they can do whatever the fuck they like". He has identified big tech companies as a key component to cement his future dictatorship and he is not wrong.