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Trump falsely claims he didn’t call to lock up Hillary Clinton | CNN Politics
  • LPT, strip the "?si=" part off the end of your youtube links. They are UUID tracking links meant to determine connections between users and are a massive cross-platform privacy violation.

  • I have lemmy account in and i have subscribed to many good instances. I want to create a backup account with all the subscribed instances.
  • click your name drop down in the upper right -> settings, there is an option to import/export your account settings to a JSON file in lemmy 0.19.x. this includes your display name, set language, list of subscribed communities, your blocked instances/users, and account bio. export it from your main account, then import that JSON to your backup account and change the name/bio as needed.

  • Roland secured his legacy
  • and people complain about "bullshit jobs" these days

  • Intel’s Anti-Upgrade Tricks Defeated With Kapton Tape
  • Intel also sells the chipset and the license to the chipset software; the more boards get sold, the more money they make (as well as their motherboard partners, who also get to sell more, which encourages more manufacturers to make Intel boards and not AMD)

  • Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney
  • Yeah, I kinda wondered why this com was just turning into a political shitfest with nothing oniony

  • damn wonder what my dog think when I'm zooted
  • How do you give it to them? Or are they just getting the second hand smoke lol

  • New ASUS router firmware now requires a user to be 16y or older and will restrict features and even security upgrades if you opt out
  • Asus continues to impress at exactly how good they are at turning into the worst possible tech company!

    Dump this shithole manufacturer asap. They're permanently on my blacklist already, this is just a cherry on top.

  • Riding in style
  • They do in poorer areas- my local county sherrif only had the budget for two new dodge Durangos in the last 4 years, the rest of the force drive crown vics with junkyard engine swaps to keep them going past 300k miles.

  • I'm optimistic
  • it's gonna taste like corporate virtue signaling!

  • damn wonder what my dog think when I'm zooted

    bro can definitely tell I'm diff but is she being like. "ok these humans are weird sometimes" Or they like "daaaaaamn yall having fun on that GOOD GANJA CRACK-A-LACKIN!! GETTTT IT BUDDY"

    she the cuddle

    Thumb drive heating up
  • Don't use a thumb drive, use an external hard/solid state drive or install an internal drive. Even an aliexpress 64gb ssd for $10 is better than any thumbdrive. Thumbdrive's flash and controllers are not designed for OS level continuous writes and will die very quickly.

    If you must use a thumb drive, add some kind of air flow over it, and disable all logging features in openWRT to reduce writes as much as possible.

  • You know what they say about assuming
  • I have a block list of about 40 thats taken a year to curate, and yes, Lemmy has been absolutely fantastic since I filled it out. It's like wearing noise canceling headphones.

  • You know what they say about assuming
  • Uh, uhhh, uhhhhh, instructions unclear; genocide Joe, liberal, neo nazi, ppb!

  • Amazon Cloud Traffic Is Suffocating Fedora's Mirrors
  • You would think Amazon would do the intelligent thing and host cache mirrors of repos local to their data centers. Not only is it not much data to store relatively speaking, it allows install and deployment at however fast your inner network is (10g+) vastly paying for itself in faster setup saving otherwise wasted time.

    Something tells me they do do that and it just broke, and AWS being AWS, nobody noticed.

  • Bribery schmibery. Make them pay for their stupidity

    Brought to you by this week's dumb required corporate training.

    Judge Cannon rejects request for gag order against Donald Trump in classified docs case | CNN Politics
  • So a judge appointed by Trump doesn't want to tell Trump to shut up? Who would have ever guessed.

  • 27 May 2024
  • Dogs are way more cognizant of body language and tone than most people realize. You can talk gibberish to them, but as long as you include their name (which they can recognize) and then use a positive, loving tone or a negative, aggressive tone, you can communicate nearly anything.

  • Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)
  • The main hurdle is really experience (I am <5yr) and family (my parents are aging and may need my intervention in fewer years than I think). Firms usually only hire internationally for skilled engineers and there's no guarantee my accredited degree from the US is valid anywhere else. And if I went someplace other than Canada, the travel costs would likely result in me only coming back to see the rest of my family once every two years, which sucks and could pose actual problems.

    Don't get me wrong, I honestly do like the idea of going someplace with real human rights, but unless it becomes clear there is actually a threat to my existence I can't justify that big of a change. I love my family too much.

  • Removed
  • There has also been posted videos showing that a vast majority of tf2's active players are likely bots, whether trading bots or aimbots. This kind of petition may never get anywhere.

  • Americans, what's the plan if Trump wins the election in November? (serious)
  • Hope that Canada or one of the Nordic/EU countries have job openings for an engineer.

  • What do you just not give a single fuck about that so many people try to make you give a shit about?
  • Of course, but the people who are constantly talking about "Stocks" and "The Market" are usually constantly trading, wheeling, dealing, doing all sorts of shit and then trying to brag about how smart they are cause they're "hustling" while... barely keeping up with or not keeping up at all with those broad index funds you already mentioned.

  • Oregon Primary Election Results - May 21st, 2024

    Legend: Candidate Name (party, %of vote)

    Vote tallies current as of 12:30am PST, May 22nd 2024 (Due to lower voter turnout in primaries, most ballots are already counted by this time and these totals are unlikely to change significantly by the election certification date.)

    Please see title link to the official Secretary of State page for complete and accurate election results.

    Statewide Positions Secretary of State: Tobias Read (D, 71%) will run against disgraced state senator (who is barred from running for senate) Dennis Linthicum (R, 65%)

    State Treasurer: Elizabeth Steiner (D, 78%) will run against another disgraced state senator who is barred from running, Brian Boquist (R, uncontested)

    Attorney General: Dan Rayfield (D, 76%) will run against Will Lathrop (R, 64%)

    Other Notable Contested Races: US Representative, 3rd Dist: Current State Rep Maxine Dexter (D, 50.7%) beats out former Multnomah county commissioner Susheela Jayapal (D, 28.5%)

    State Representative, 12th Dist: Darin Harbick (R, 82%) beats out current representative Charlie Conrad (R, 18%) for the republican nomination. No other candidates filed for any other party, so Harbick is the de-facto winner of the position. Conrad faced this primary challenge by Harbick due to his Yes vote on HB2002 that created legal protections for abortion rights and transgender care. Conrad was publicly censured and disowned by the state Republican Party due to his vote not toeing the party line. Read more here.

    Personally Irksome: State Senate District 28: Diane Linthicum (R, 59%), the wife and co-conspirator of disgraced senator Dennis Linthicum, beats out current Klamath County Commissioner Dave Henslee (R, 41%) for the republican nomination. No other candidates filed for any other party, so Linthicum is the de-facto winner of the position. Mrs. Linthicum has no real world qualifications to be Senator beyond being the husband of the current disgraced Senator, and has all but openly said she is only running to be the mouth of her husband as to bypass the election restrictions.

    Space Engineers | Update 1.204 - Signal

    Notable core gameplay changes:

    • you can now claim authorship of NPC ships after you hack them so that npc pcu limits are correct (and your ownership is also correct)
    • destroyed cargo containers now have a temporary storage item that drops with everything in it instead of puking out 750 thousand items and creating a lag bomb
    • there is now a communications block that can send chat messages
    • there is now ways to wirelessly send actions between grids, a HUGE advancement to automation

    This is shaping up to be a fantastic core update. Looking forward to playing it.

    What's your go-to "Bang for your Buck" filament brand?

    As I'm graduating college in a few weeks, I'll be losing access to my university's free printers and filament. I'm going to build up a home lab with a couple printers where I can make goofy little mechanical projects as well as some components for my cars and stuff.

    Who's your go-to for PLA and ABS/ASA filaments? Those will be my primary print jobs in any serious volume. I know our college's club has had hella problems with random chinese brand filaments not printing consistently but I also don't want to spend $30+ per kg for something like Prusament.

    i was gonna make a meme...

    and then i got high

    (and forgot it lol goddamnit)

    happy friday night y'all

    i'm already high and boutta blast through a whole blunt in one go, see yall on the other side

    DEA to reclass marijuana to Schedule III US poised to ease restrictions on marijuana in historic shift, but it'll remain controlled substance

    In a historic shift, the U.S. moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, AP sources say.

    US poised to ease restrictions on marijuana in historic shift, but it'll remain controlled substance

    cross-posted from:

    > Bout damn time

    United States | News & Politics empireOfLove2
    Dan Osborn led a strike at Kellogg’s. Now he’s aiming for a Nebraska Senate seat He led a strike at Kellogg’s. Now he’s aiming for a Nebraska Senate seat

    Dan Osborn is challenging incumbent Deb Fischer in a ‘long shot’ bid to prove the state still has an ‘independent spirit’

    He led a strike at Kellogg’s. Now he’s aiming for a Nebraska Senate seat
    it really seems like edibles are the best way to toke

    i don't have to deal with smelling like a smoker, they don't make your eyes burn and get red, they seem to be more mellow and much more gradual at making you high too, they don't need charging or have problems with coils leeching whatever other weird heavy metal shit into a vape

    yeah it's more expensive especially if you're buying dispensary gummies like my lazy ass does, and takes a hot minute to kick in vs instant smoking, but like damn some huge upsides

    I haven't seen this posted yet. All of reddit's C-levels sold $41.245 million worth of stock in the first week of trading.

    If that's not the textbook image of rats leaving a sinking ship, I don't know what is. "Fuck you. Got mine!"

    The price pump that conveniently happened immediately after release sure was nice for Pig Boy Huffman, wasn't it.

    Data on short positions become available tomorrow (April 9th) as referenced in this article so the roller coaster is only just getting started. It's gonna get wild once the market realizes what a house of cards Reddit is built on.

    Degraded server performance?

    I've been having a bit of trouble loading the lemmy site today. It times out and takes ages to load quite often. I tested with other websites (Wikipedia, a school website, google) and while my mobile data is... not fast, it is not as slow as db0 is running.

    I started thinking about it and I feel like loading performance has been slower than usual for a few days even...

    Can anyone else confirm degraded performance today or am I trippin'?

    Edit: using latest Firefox running uBlock origin on Android 14 if that matters. S21 Ultra.

    Enshittification Continues: Discord to begin showing advertisements on it's free platform

    cross-posted from:

    > They supposedly can be disabled in settings- but we all know that won't last. They're going full Microsoft Skype mode and it's only a matter of time.

    New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now Terms of Service | Discord

    Read about Discord's Terms of Service

    Terms of Service | Discord

    cross-posted from:

    > Forced arbitration means any legal disputes you may have with Discord must be resolved through a single third party mediator, who 99% of the time is chosen by, and will rule in favor of, the corporation/Discord. This effectively removes all your legal rights as a consumer, because arbitration decisions are legally binding and non-appealable. > > The new ToS goes into effect April 15th, 2024. > > YOU CAN OPT OUT OF ARBITRATION. You must email BEFORE MAY 15TH (30 days after ToS effective date) with your username stating that you wish to opt out of the arbitration clause. Once May 15th passes you are bound to arbitration with Discord forever. > > ! > > Opt-out before it's too late.

    New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now Terms of Service | Discord

    Read about Discord's Terms of Service

    Terms of Service | Discord

    cross-posted from:

    > Forced arbitration means any legal disputes you may have with Discord must be resolved through a single third party mediator, who 99% of the time is chosen by, and will rule in favor of, the corporation/Discord. This effectively removes all your legal rights as a consumer, because arbitration decisions are legally binding and non-appealable. > > The new ToS goes into effect April 15th, 2024. > > YOU CAN OPT OUT OF ARBITRATION. You must email BEFORE MAY 15TH (30 days after ToS effective date) with your username stating that you wish to opt out of the arbitration clause. Once May 15th passes you are bound to arbitration with Discord forever. > > ! > > Opt-out before it's too late.

    New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now Terms of Service | Discord

    Read about Discord's Terms of Service

    Terms of Service | Discord

    cross-posted from:

    > Forced arbitration means any legal disputes you may have with Discord must be resolved through a single third party mediator, who 99% of the time is chosen by, and will rule in favor of, the corporation/Discord. This effectively removes all your legal rights as a consumer, because arbitration decisions are legally binding and non-appealable. > > The new ToS goes into effect April 15th, 2024. > > YOU CAN OPT OUT OF ARBITRATION. You must email BEFORE MAY 15TH (30 days after ToS effective date) with your username stating that you wish to opt out of the arbitration clause. Once May 15th passes you are bound to arbitration with Discord forever. > > ! > > Opt-out before it's too late.

    New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now Terms of Service | Discord

    Read about Discord's Terms of Service

    Terms of Service | Discord

    Forced arbitration means any legal disputes you may have with Discord must be resolved through a single third party mediator, who 99% of the time is chosen by, and will rule in favor of, the corporation/Discord. This effectively removes all your legal rights as a consumer, because arbitration decisions are legally binding and non-appealable.

    The new ToS goes into effect April 15th, 2024.

    YOU CAN OPT OUT OF ARBITRATION. You must email BEFORE MAY 15TH (30 days after ToS effective date) with your username stating that you wish to opt out of the arbitration clause. Once May 15th passes you are bound to arbitration with Discord forever.


    Opt-out before it's too late.

    Enshittification Continues: Discord to begin showing advertisements on it's free platform

    cross-posted from:

    > They supposedly can be disabled in settings- but we all know that won't last. They're going full Microsoft Skype mode and it's only a matter of time.

    empireOfLove2 empireOfLove2

    A Reddit Refugee

    current college student, permanent pirate, lover of all things mechanical and on wheels

    moved here from because there are no active admins on that instance.

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    Comments 719