Rule in Thuringia, Germany
Rule in Thuringia, Germany
Rule in Thuringia, Germany
Sad but true.
This country is desperate for workers and too stubborn and racist to actually let people work here.
See, if a refugee exists that actually has a job and can pay for its own life, Ronny, Tschantall and Maik are reminded that they dont have a job and cant pay for their own shit. And as long as this is happening they need to shit on whoever is actually not a lowlife looser because this very fact makes em feel shitty. So they vote afd because its always easier to shit on others than trying to get your own shit together.
But they have a job, that's the point! Thuringia has almost full employment, just as Germany as a whole.
If you're unemployed in Germany right now, lack of jobs is not the reason why. Ironically, many women are forced to stay unemployed, because they can't find kindergardens, because the kindergardens are also lacking teachers and can't take on more kids.
So this refugee is lazy AND takes away our jobs? Big if true
Schrödinger's Refugee 😐
Luckily, the man in this story got his work permit back after public backlash (German news report).
The point is to have a system where you can mistreat migrant laborers illegally because if they speak up they lose their job and get deported. At the same time you can pretend to actually care about workers with your legislation and create a white labor aristocracy.
We have this massive bureaucracy complex which consumes so much tax money and NO ONE CAN REMEMBER, WHY THEY REVOKED HIS WORK-PERMIT IN THE FIRST PLACE?! This makes me angry. He is doing his best ffs! He left his war torn homeland, came here and got a job. And because someone felt like it, they do shit like this?! I can't belive it.
Haha here in sweden the immigrants are the best thing that happened to this place(saying this as an immigrant...). Other than the manner in which the swedish government distrobuted them which increased violent crime in the pockets of immigrants. They spice up life(literally because swedish food is boring af).
They spice up life
I think everyone agrees on that, no matter what side they are on
We had spicy food even before the mass immigration wave, and the gov:t didn't decide how to distribute them, because it isn't allowed to force people to live somewhere.
There were actually several instances where immigrants were bussed to northern Sweden to house them there (lots of nice, cheap, empty housing up north), but they refused to get off the busses. On one occasion a bus driver was threatened with death if he didn't drive them back - guy went for a piss at the next fuel stop and left them.
All in all, a shit situation.
…the gov:t didn't decide how to distribute them, because it isn't allowed to force people to live somewhere.
…several instances where immigrants were bussed to northern Sweden to house them…they refused to get off the busses.
So, let me get this straight, the government non-forcefully drove a bunch of immigrants, that had come from the subtropics, to the arctic circle, who refused to get off the buses, and you don’t find anything a little ‘on the nose’ about that?
Sounds like they had a bloody good reason for being upset, and I can’t think of any reason why they’d be in the wrong.
The real story sounds even weirder. They took his work permit for the sole purpose of stopping any integration that could hinder a later deportation. Wtf. Fachkräftemangel my ass.
I've always thought of being a refugee as a temporarily thing until the situation at the source country settles down.
That's true. But refugees who have lived and worked long-time in Germany can get the right to reside here permanently, independently from their right to asylum or similar protection. This is to encourage them to actually get a job rather than just rely on government handouts.
Is "thuringer," the meat/sausage, named for that place? I fucking love thuringer. 🤤
It is