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Research shows that people with borderline personality disorder prefer Jazz and Classical music. Borderline personality disorder symptoms linked to music preferences

Individuals with varying degrees of borderline personality disorder symptoms exhibit distinct music preferences, according to new research published in Psychology of Music.

Borderline personality disorder symptoms linked to music preferences

All I could think about is how Ben Sharpio constantly whines that no one makes classic music anymore and that rap isn't real music.

  • scared

  • I was diagnosed with that but the symptoms are so wide and subjective that depending on your clinician the diagnosis can vary a lot. From what I've heard the newer trend is moving away from the 'personality disorder' diagnoses as they aren't extremely reliable.

    individuals exhibiting higher symptom severity showed a preference for reflective and complex music genres

    Well that is mostly what I listen to O: In the article they contrast that with intense and rebellious music though, what I listen to fits all these descriptors usually

  • how Ben Sharpio constantly whines that no one makes classic music anymore

    what a fake fan lmao

    also i like jazz a lot wtf