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Reddit - 2007 vs 2024
  • Generally I think it revolves around the normalization of really hateful thinking, both outside and within.

    I never got too deep into it, and once /pol/ got overrun with literal Nazis I knew it was over, and it's when I started distancing myself from it. Reddit was nominally better, and it took me from being this center right a-hole to at least a RadLib.

    I always had an interest in Communism, but it was more "Tankie Aesthetic cool!" Than it was about "We must implement communism as it is the only way to save the world."

    Since no one ever was able to convince me that the USSR killed 6942002496 people a second, it and the awesomeness of Chapo Trap House eventually got me to where I am now: The only True Leftist.

  • Reddit - 2007 vs 2024
  • 4chan ruined my mental health and Reddit just helped keep it ruined. Getting banned from Reddit was the best thing that ever happened to me. Then I got rid of Twitter, I was off Facebook the moment they got rid of their original UI after they opened the website to everyone. One day I will permanently log off to become one with the grass, but not today.

  • Reddit - 2007 vs 2024
  • Yeah, when I was dumb teen I spent time on....ugh... KotakuInAction.

    At least it was a step up from hanging out on 4chan's /b/ in its hey day.

  • bye bye youtube
  • Google Realism.

  • I hate electoralism.
  • The political equivalent of "I don't care as long as both teams have fun!" During the Super Bowl.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • hemllo sistemr! wemlcome to heamven. plemnty of snamck and no weimrd hamnds. vemry wow much peamceful! cheems

  • Nazis' anonymous
  • Just so you know, I used to be an Admin/Overmod of this website. I was part of the initial vanguard that fought the bots. Downvotes were actually ruining the site. You couldn't use hot or most upvoted to organize because of wrecker bots downvoting all the good stuff while up voting terrible things.

    Now if you really dislike something instead of passively downvoting things now you have to communicate. This is bad for wreckers, CHUDs and Fascist cause it means the community can clean out the scum we don't want here, especially if they are the usual kind who aren't here to listen.

    Gotta educate these youngsters on the history of this site lol.

  • Nazis' anonymous
  • It's literally why we ditched the Down vote here on Hexbear. Because bots were down voting everything regardless of content and only up voting the things the bot was programmed to upvote. As such it became impossible to know what real users thought about stuff. By making it upvote only, we thoroughly decreased the amount of rigging outsiders can do to our Hexbear system™.

  • Nazis' anonymous
  • Soon they'll get rid of likes all together because "People don't like edgy comments, which makes it appear like people hate edgy comments, so to encourage edgy comments we are removing usernames, likes, and retweets."

    Basically just a chan board with a better DM system.

  • Wyoming sheriff recruits Colorado officers with controversial billboard
  • Very true, I mostly like it here because Medicaid is easy to get on and it covers a lot of trans healthcare, and other than some randos who look like they walked from Alabama, I don't feel much transphobia around here.

  • Wyoming sheriff recruits Colorado officers with controversial billboard
  • Ever since the Democrats legalized weed, murder has now become legal too.

  • Wyoming sheriff recruits Colorado officers with controversial billboard
  • Yes.

    But the joke in Colorado is that the Colorado River ends at the Bellagio Hotel.

  • Wyoming sheriff recruits Colorado officers with controversial billboard Wyoming sheriff recruits Colorado officers with controversial billboard

    A billboard paid for by a Wyoming county sheriff's office was unveiled in Denver, Colorado, during Police Week with a controversial message for police officers.

    Wyoming sheriff recruits Colorado officers with controversial billboard

    >Kozak was referring to budget cuts that city council members proposed in April, which would cut Denver's public safety budget by $8.4 million — about 1.9% of the police force's funds.

    Oh no a small crumb of the budget is gone! With only 434 MILLION dollars instead of 442 million dollars what nefarious crimes will go unsolved by Denver County?

    >He said in a post on social media the cuts restricted the ability of cops to enforce traffic laws such as expired plates and safety equipment violations.

    Well let's see how Denver clapped back at this slight!

    >Denver Police also took issue with the Laramie County sheriff's message.

    Hell yeah!

    >"A primary advantage for working for Denver Police versus the Laramie County Sheriff's Office is that the top pay for the officer rank is $24,575 more annually than the top pay for a LCSO deputy sheriff, and the pay gap increases at higher ranks," Denver Police said in a statement. "And being a much larger department, Denver Police officers have significantly greater opportunities to promote."


    I fucking hate it here, and still simultaneously believe Colorado is the best fucking state. The reason so many Feds are out here is the next time a Miners war breaks out in the Rockies, will be an insurgency that will never be broken, as nuking Colorado means nuking Americas water.

    Gaslighting comes as easy as breathing to Zionists
  • Cool. I did not know this. Thanks for educating.

  • Gaslighting comes as easy as breathing to Zionists
  • Like there is some history of what can be called colonization in Finland and Japan, with the Ainu in Japan and Sami people in Finland. But like these places resemble ethnostates based more off of geographic and language isolation.

    If Japan spoke English as a second language the same way you see in former British colony states, you can bet your ass that island would be full of immigrants and non-japanese people.

    But it's an island with a language that is really hard for Westerners to learn.

    Finland is a snowy wasteland most the year, so yeah not a lot of people want to live there, so only the people who have always lived there live there. Finnish is also a hard language for not Scandinavians to learn.

    The other countries are just absolutely pulled out his ass, I think, but again are probably more ethnostate like due to geographic issues and not because some people started colonizing it in the last century and kicked out the modern native population that was living there forever

  • Microsoft Closes Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and More
  • This is basically the Microsoft Strategy™.

    They buy out smaller tech companies, squeeze them dry and then close them down.

    This is like what the 15th game studio they've done this to since Rareware in the mid 2000s?

  • Oh M'lordddddd, the cyberwagon you sold me made it but 40 miles before a storm destroyed it. t'was awesome while it lasted 😂. @Mlord @SawyerMerritt @WholeMarsBlog
  • We need to define being so caught up in a sunk cost that you refuse to leave it despite all evidence, as a mental illness on par with extreme learning disabilities.

  • Our Big Wet Outlaw Hero
  • The hellish stuff is what makes the bit funny, I would assume. Schadenfreude and all that jazz.

    It's still amazing to me that we popularized well tuned chatbots, and it is killing digital human interactions because half the chatbots can pass a turning test while half the actual humans on the internet can't.

  • Our Big Wet Outlaw Hero
  • Bit idea: You are Chapo Trap House (yes all of them at once) having to make fun of article writing nerds from The Federalist but have to parse though what's real and what's generated by AI.

  • Our Big Wet Outlaw Hero
  • The cadence in this article makes me think this is literally an human edited AI post. Like the prompt to a middle school essay 'Choose a trope from American History or Literature and then chose a president who embodies that!"

  • Texas COUNTY to sue STATE of Colorado over immigration laws. El Paso County to sue Colorado over immigration laws

    El Paso County will be challenging Colorado House Bill 19-1124 and 23-1100, prohibiting local governments from cooperating with the federal government in immigration matters.

    El Paso County to sue Colorado over immigration laws

    It's fucking ridiculous how the party of states rights also includes a states right to support counties in enforcing their will on everyone not in their state.

    Goddamn Texans always ruining Colorado and telling us it's the Californians fault.


    Research shows that people with borderline personality disorder prefer Jazz and Classical music. Borderline personality disorder symptoms linked to music preferences

    Individuals with varying degrees of borderline personality disorder symptoms exhibit distinct music preferences, according to new research published in Psychology of Music.

    Borderline personality disorder symptoms linked to music preferences

    All I could think about is how Ben Sharpio constantly whines that no one makes classic music anymore and that rap isn't real music.

    Graffiti proves once again, the Nazis are back and hate Israel! Also this entire article is barely about that headline.

    Literally the article is barely about the graffiti sign, basically: "Sign graffiti bad, maybe make exhibit about anti-Semitism during the Holocaust against Palestinians! Anyways here's this story about two probably cool dudes who fought the Nazis and opened this library. What does it have to do with the graffiti? anti-Semitism duh!"

    Or maybe the graffiti artist was making a point that the Holocaust library probably will need an Exhibit on Gaza soo, too? That sure would have been a nice thing for the author to explore instead of copy and pasting an article straight from wikipedia, basically.
