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Can someone explain to me the marxist understanding of The Castle Of Dark Illusions Doctrine and why the western superstructure allows the western subject to shroud their side of the field in shadow?

  • So I have the ghost of Karl Marx in an aluminum box and this is how he responded when I asked him:

    The "Castle of Dark Illusions" refers to the ideological system that justifies the exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie. It creates an illusion of social harmony and natural order, obscuring the reality of class struggle. In this way, it maintains the power dynamics between these two groups. The western superstructure perpetuates this through institutions like religion, government, and education, which reinforce the status quo and discourage questioning of the existing power structures.

  • The Castle Of Dark Illusions Doctrine

    Did you just make this up?

  • I've never heard of this one are we doing esoteric Marxism?

  • I dunno, I never played it. World of dark illusion was better imo, because you could play as Donald Duck.

  • A Shadow Field is a rare defensive item used only by the most experienced Liberals. It surrounds any person in a dark miasma of energy. The field requires a great deal of concentration to activate, and a massive amount of self-confidence to maintain.

  • It's to make the numbers look more official at the end of the day. Not rounding your defenses to an even 50 creates an illusion of professionalism.

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