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Gamers, how is the latest vikky patch 🤔
  • Well, the truth with Paradox games is that a new update version, like 1.7, is always going to get at least 3-5 hotfixes. These hotfixes usually take care of the worst bugs and balance issues. There might even be more updates since the devs pushed their summer vacation back for this release.

    So, yes, at the very least, wait until Wednesday. By then, the second hotfix should be out. Just my personal recommendation.

    The game's version should be 1.7.2 by then.

  • Gamers, how is the latest vikky patch 🤔
  • So, from everything I have read, the overall reception is mostly positive. There are some bugs and design choices that could be better, but overall it's okay. The general vibe is hopeful in the community, and we had over 18,000 players on Steam, which is solid for a release of this size in a niche genre.

    The release of the update 1.7 was on Monday this week, and the first hotfix patch was released on Thursday. There is a second hotfix supposed to come on Monday or Tuesday next week. I'm going to dive into the game again with that one.

  • If evolution isn't real, how did Glenn Beck de-evolve into a Japanese Snow Monkey. Checkmate Creationist
  • Bullshit. Only a loving God could create such a magnificent creature.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I'm not deep into US politics, but it's wild to me that they didn't run someone like Newsom, who many liberals would absolutely adore compared to Biden.

    Like seriously, just find a good-looking guy in a suit who can form full sentences

  • There's some new icons in the world of adult animated comedy
  • I "think" some rightwing cartoon that is absolute ass by all metrics (even by average american cartoon standards)

  • Horus Heresy from Warhammer 40000
  • This would be literally me if my dad was the emperor.

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • I finished Dungeon Meshi. I really enjoyed that show! Thanks to it and the Frieren anime, fantasy fans are eating good.

    I'm feeling okay. Can't wait to be done with work this week.

  • A question about game development / modding etc.
  • Nah, I think total conversion mods are super cool, but that's not something I would consider. If I were planning something of that scope, I would rather start working on the foundation for an indie game.

    Plus if I ever plan to work on an indie game I would try to limit the scope as much as possible but keep it tight and round and sell it at a low price. Small game for a small price. (like im talking 2-3 bucks) I would consider larger projects only after I have some actual experience.

  • Dr Disrespect admits that he sent "inappropriate" messages to a minor, says he won't stop streaming on youtube
  • I mean wasnt there this whole bathroom story ? I have never followed this guy to closely.

  • A question about game development / modding etc.
  • I guess my point is that creating a small mod is probably much easier than creating a small game, right? Especially for someone who is a newbie. Even if I were to create a small game, I would still want to make something cool, which would probably mean a multi-year project. I would want to do a 4X/strategy game if I pursued game development.

    Whereas a mod might be doable in a couple of months. Correct me if I'm wrong on this

    No worries, I would consider game development as a pure hobby project. I'm not in it to chase money. (Like if I had a finished project I would charge money for it but making money wouldnt be the point)

  • A question about game development / modding etc.

    cross-posted from:

    > So, I'm pretty much a layman when it comes to modding, game development, coding, etc. With that said, am I correct in thinking that creating a small to midsized mod for a game like Stellaris is a much smaller/easier undertaking than even a simple indie game? > > If I want to get started in that direction, creating a small (functional) Stellaris mod might be a good idea? > >

    A question about game development / modding etc.

    So, I'm pretty much a layman when it comes to modding, game development, coding, etc. With that said, am I correct in thinking that creating a small to midsized mod for a game like Stellaris is a much smaller/easier undertaking than even a simple indie game?

    If I want to get started in that direction, creating a small (functional) Stellaris mod might be a good idea?

    Hog calling
  • Hog whisperer porky-happy

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Thanks for your indepth answer. You did help me a bunch obama-prism

  • I increasingly feel like in the west everyone is ideologically "locked in"
  • I can't predict the future, but things are going to get worse. That's the only thing that's almost certain. Some people might be able to carve out a piece of heaven in a dying world, but a lot more folks are going to suffer.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • How is the game these days ? I never took a closer look but it seemed interesting.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Now, while that all sounds really cool, I have very little experience with EUIV and have to admit I struggle a bit with the game. I'm okay at Stellaris (600 hours) and CK3 (200 hours), but I have maybe 20 hours in EUIV. Do you think I should start with Anbennar right away or spend more time with EUIV vanilla to learn the systems, etc.?

  • Playing Stellaris and having fun again

    I haven't played a longer session of Stellaris in quite a while, but I think I'm back. It's really quite fun, and the current version of the game feels very polished, coming from someone who has been playing Stellaris since 2016 (I "only" have 660 hours in it).

    I've actually never finished a full game of Stellaris. I usually play max-size galaxies, so that might have something to do with it, but I run out of steam after 15-20 hours. This time, though, I want to try to stick it out until the end, either winning or dying trying.

    I know some people dread micromanagement, but I love juggling different resources and maximizing my economy in this game. It also helps that I actually enjoy warfare most of the time in Stellaris, which I can't say for all Paradox games.

    I usually play some degree of Spiritualists or Xenophiles, but with the last DLC being focused on machines, I had to bring some robots. So, I'm playing as Fanatic Militarist/Authoritarian bots. It's going pretty well—I have 3 vassals/tributaries, and I'm the strongest force in the Galactic Community.

    I want to give Fanatic Pacifists a try sometime and play a very diplomacy-focused game with lots of envoys

    Victoria 3 Patch 1.7 + Spheres of Influence Expansion drops this Monday

    The graphics show the biggest free features of patch 1.7. I've heard from people online that the performance improvements are quite real.

    Here is the changelog

    Im currently busy with a Stellaris game but I will check out Vicky 3 again after some hotfixes.

    Mushrooms. No seriously.

    cross-posted from:

    > So my dad has a cellar that is completely empty. We just store some plants there during the winter months. Now, I had an idea. In theory, I could plant around 100 mushrooms down there, right? There is a little bit of light coming in through a small window. Climate-wise, we are in Central Europe. > > Is there anything I should know or be aware of? Are there any mushroom types that are beginner-friendly? I would plant them for personal consumption, for me and my relatives. > > Bad Idea ? Good Idea ?

    Meditation/ Mindfulness etc

    So I "think" I suffer from stress, both work-related and from other real-life things I have very little control over.

    I also have a physical problem: random twitching of muscles that one doctor thought might be stress-related. It's not that serious to my knowledge, but it is annoying.

    Can people give me input on whether meditation helps in some capacity? Is it worth getting into? When/how often should I meditate? Please share your views or stance on it.

    Union Dixie - Eurobeat Remix

    They should have hanged all slavers

    A Black Rose - a dark academia themed CYOA by jayemouse

    So I did post some Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) stuff here and there. This is the longest I've posted so far. I hope those of you who like these enjoy this one. I'm gonna go to sleep now and will be back later. I hope some of you share your builds and thoughts.

    I plan to create some CYOAs of my own when I have time this year. I might post them if there is interest.

    I found a cute CYOA some of you might like.

    Another CYOA (Choose your own adventure) for my fellow Hexbears.

    Pick one option.

    I probably would choose the Diner. Since free and good food sounds amazing.

    Dwarf Fortress - Complete Tutorial/Guide Compilation (Fort Mode 2023)

    It's a great guide compilation, but I'm sure you are put off by the over 7-hour length of the video. Don't worry, there are many timestamps, and you can just check out those that interest you. The 'getting started' part only takes about 30 minutes, for example.

    On another note, Dwarf Fortress Adventure mode releases in beta on the 17th of this month for the steam version.

    Some "Gamers" are alright (referring to a meme about Victoria 3)

    Pretty based for a mainstream gaming subreddit. Also they have "Fuck Israel" in the sidebar under rules.

    After the End Crusader Kings 3 Total Conversion Mod Now in Beta

    From the steam workshop page

    After the End is a total conversion mod and successor to the popular CK II mod, bringing Crusader Kings III to the post-post apocalyptic Americas. Covering all of the Americas, After the End takes place long after a great cataclysm, the Event, wiped out of modern society. Centuries later new neo-medieval societies have risen from the ashes.

    The year is 2666 and new empires, faiths and cultures have filled the void left over. The Empire of Brazil is the largest in the world, though it still struggles to control the Amazon basin. Further north, Alineados and Cristeros struggle over control of the Mexican Empire. The Emperor of the Holy Columbian Commonwealth claims descent from old America - though the Americanists believe only their religious leaders can truly claim that. Out west, the Eternal Living Guru of California has secured his position at the head of numerous faiths, though many fiercely resist his rule. Play as any of these great powers and reshape the Americas in your image, or one of the numerous smaller dynasties that have arisen across the Americas.

    The Perfect Water

    Once again, I'm testing the waters, so to speak (pun intended). I'm here to ask you one simple question: How do you like your water? Which of the choices depicted do you enjoy the most when hydrating yourself.

    I would probably go with 2a 5b. Fizzy/sparkling and from a glass. Prefered slightly cold but not with ice.

    Pick a pill. Any pill.

    So I'm back with another CYOA (choose your own adventure). This time it's about pills. Not red or blue pills, but special either way.

    It's simple: you get to choose either 2 pills or just 1 pill. If you choose just 1 pill you also get the bonus effect.

    You can only pick one

    Its time to ask the hard questions. Choose wisely. Im sure the topminds on Hexbear will make the right decision.

    neurodiverse Comp4 [she/her]
    So I got a problem. Advice wanted.

    cross-posted from:

    > So, I have a problem that I won't be able to solve until the end of 2025. If everything goes well, it will be like nothing ever happened. If everything goes wrong, I might have to pay money I cant really pay right now. (No idea how much exactly but mor than I can afford probably) This is obviously a stress factor at times. I "could" try to solve it right now, but I can't really afford to solve this if it doesn't work out and have to rely on my parents' money, which sucks and is bad. In a way, it's probably not the end of the world; I heavily doubt I will go to prison, at least, but it sucks to have something that feels like a set-in-stone bad end. Feels like knowing the day of your death. Also, my dad has cancer, and that also is a bit of a stress factor, to be honest. > > I'm schizophrenic, and usually just browsing the internet/games/anime is enough to keep my stress and thoughts at bay. Today, though, I couldn't think about anything else while doing other things, and it is really messing with me. > > Do you have any tips for dealing with (I think you call them intrusive thoughts)? > Other than drugs. I only do alcohol and I dont want to become an alcoholic. > > Actually typing all of this out was nice if nothing else.

    Comp4 Comp4 [she/her]

    Im just here for dank memes and to shitpost. Not a Crackkker

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