Anon is a mastermind
Anon is a mastermind
Anon is a mastermind
If you dont salt fries straight out of the fryer you may as well not bother.
Anon played himself.
Where I worked they'd get plenty of salt in the fryer. Whenever some asshat would order fries with no salt, we'd take already cooked and salted fries and just drop 'em back in the fryer for a few seconds. Crisps them up and takes some of the saltiness away. Wait... something doesn't math right in that equation. Oh well.
Low sodium foods are a legitimate health need for a lot of people -myself included since my teens through no fault of my own- and you don’t fuck with people’s health.
Just because some people abuse the system doesn’t mean you punish people who are just trying to survive. Same with allergies.
But hey I’m glad to know being born with crap genes makes me an asshat. That attitude is what’s wrong with the world.
It's even worse to do this where I work, because our "salt" is actually a blend of seasoning, not table salt, so you literally aren't getting good fries. And, we drop them fresh per order anyways
Maybe they don't like your seasoning
"Large fries, no salt."
(sighs) "OK." (grabs salted fries, pulls out vacuum cleaner)
I especially use this at Wendy's simply because they oversalt the fuck outta their fries.
My mouth shrinks after a couple fries from Wendy's...
Thats my favorite part. Used to be my goto for fast food!
Coulda just asked for fresh fries. Most places will do it, and not even question it.
It might just be that they don't want fries with their salt. Anytime I did this, and haven't for a decade cuz most fast food is trash, was because the fries were too goddamned salty.
Going to McDonald's definitely feels like have fries with your salt, rather than the other way around. Can confirm
This is really an off my chest moment but when I was in my teens I went out with my aunt and she pulled this. I felt terrible for making the staff do extra work just so she could have fresher and warmer fries. I get it isn't a big deal to make an extra batch, but what if two people pull this? Five? Ten? More?
There's a better trick, making your own fries.
But that doesn't affect people struggling through minimum wage salaries, and the point... tHe FuN... is to fuck people sideways.
When I worked at McDonald's in the 80s people would do exactly this. Old trick.
Do not ever do this to your local Fastfood workers they will make sure to piss in the oil for you. I gladly put in a little extra work for nice customers, but this is the absolute worst you can do to a McDonald's worker. Life hack tho, you can just dunk some of the fries you prepared already into the oil again and it will wash if the salt and make them seem fresher for a few seconds.
I don't know anything about this because I don't eat fat people food