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Three U.S. wars threaten World War Three: $95 billion targets Palestine, Iran, Russia and China Three U.S. wars threaten World War Three: $95 billion targets Palestine, Iran, Russia and China

Anyone who thinks that the U.S. policy of continued arming and fully supporting the Israeli genocide is an accident or a mistake need only look at the $95 billion “supplemental aid” bill just passed by Congress and signed by President Joe Biden on April 24. The same group of war criminal

Three U.S. wars threaten World War Three: $95 billion targets Palestine, Iran, Russia and China

A majority of the supplemental package is $61 billion to Ukraine to prop up a collapsing [neo]fascist régime that is so mired in corruption that huge amounts of equipment are pirated and resold on arrival.

Providing a huge infusion of high-tech military equipment — along with U.S. advisers, trainers, military contractors and mercenaries — is a desperate effort to prolong the war, although there is little chance of reversing Ukraine’s defeat.

The Ukrainian spring offensive ended in a total rout. After two years of predicting a great military victory, even the major U.S. media is describing the loss of one part of Ukraine after another. The country’s cobbled together military units defy their warring commanders and surrender or just walk away, all while the front lines collapse.

The biggest setback in the U.S.-instigated war in Ukraine is that U.S. strategists totally failed in their effort to impose “régime change” in Russia.